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June 16th, 764

To Dustlight

by Kurigath Clathicul

I spoke with Upir more as we set off to Dustlight.
I have learned a little more, but I still lack the connection. He said he was not surprised to find out I wound up within the company of a circus.
There are some things he would not speak further on, but I do not mind.
I expressed a possibility of why my soul may have appeared wrong to him. He didn't seem to think my debt with the Soul Traders was the cause.
. . . I wonder if what Natsu said about something being taken from me around when I died has something to do with it.
It may not. I am too uncertain to be even remotely sure of anything about it, and only have so many pieces to work with. For instance, I do not know what was taken. Nor just how important it may be.
Upir seemed to know of Natsu's guesses concerning Feth's whereabouts. He has a thought much like mine:
More than a guess is needed.
I do not know Natsu's reasoning, as well as I know nothing of Dispater or Asmodeus. I can not take them into consideration when my knowledge on the who's and why's is none.
Upir did not seem to wish to speak further on that, and changed the subject. Somewhat. He asked a multitude of questions, if I had to accuse someone, who would it be? Where is Feth? What if she did not want to be found? How can she be found if even a goddess can not find her?
I relayed my thoughts on these questions, some possibilities, but was met with an unexpected response from him.
. . .
I have complicated feelings about it. How does one respond properly to a glimpse of a connection they have no memory of?

Continue reading...

  1. A Sort-of New Beginning?
    May 3rd, 762
  2. Meeting with Upir
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  5. Gnoll Trouble
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  6. The Empty Dragon
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  7. A Letter To Sahala
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  8. An Unexpected Reunion
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  9. Much Inside Machina's Head
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  10. A Friend in a New Shape
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  11. Lily's Birthday
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  12. Blackmail?
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  13. To Dustlight
    June 16th, 764
  14. To The New
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  15. Self-Conciousness Has No Place Here
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