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march 13th

session 8

by Chad Smith

gooey and me are having fun
rest of everyone is at the church, talkiing about nothing much. no worries.
mary got some wierd shit going on in the back yard with some networks and holy water and a tie? wierd.
march 13th
chads got trouble to deal with with gooey. have to figure out how to make him not talk about this or associate it with us.
idea is going to be use this as an excuse to set someone in power. make gooey disapear.

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  1. Session 1
    jan 1st 2017
  2. Session 2
    jan 2 2017
  3. Session 3
    jan 4th 2017
  4. Session 4
    jan 17th 2017
  5. session 5
    march 17th 2017
  6. session 7
    march 12th 2017
  7. session 8
    march 13th