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march 12th 2017

session 7

by Chad Smith

big ass book. in the crypt safe house
Gooey, real name cammila gooey diaz. part of three places. Government connections and friends second connection enforcer for the mexican gang in the city, not up there just an asset they use him as an enforcer. they dont use him alot. the cartel sina loha. third one hes part of the princes second hand man like a lacky.
so we went and seduced him to get a tie for mary cause who knows and to get him to stop fucking us over probably cause hes a lacky of the princes right hand man.

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  1. Session 1
    jan 1st 2017
  2. Session 2
    jan 2 2017
  3. Session 3
    jan 4th 2017
  4. Session 4
    jan 17th 2017
  5. session 5
    march 17th 2017
  6. session 7
    march 12th 2017
  7. session 8
    march 13th