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Sat 3rd Feb 2024 03:13

Maybe Not So Imaginary?

by Kaylan Shehvik

Haven’t had a chance to write in this journal for a few days. With escaping a Lemish now poisoned by when i’ve come to learn is an Evil green dragon, and then suddenly losing a close friend to a dark magic in the name of some Evil Queen, we found a lone young woman fighting against 6 well armed soldiers, a run down goblinoid village to deposit 50 or so refugees, and a general direction to go to the next largest city that’s close by. Lots of traveling.
With the shock of losing Thersha fresh in my heart Zylah yelled out a warning having sighted enemy warriors down the road. It seemed there was a lone young woman fighting off 6 heavily armored foes in the road a ways ahead. With Bo and Zylah’s impressive animal handling abilities (farm girls, amiright?) we were able to rush the cart over in time to help.
Journal, I was lost in my grief and pain. Darkness still in my eyes and soul, I set Thestrals spiritual weapon upon the closest enemy and during the course of the battle…. it ate a man’s head. Clean off. That moment still plays back again and again in my head. I was so angry, sad from my loss, angry at the world for taking Thersha away so soon. When I saw this woman, alone and fighting, I didn’t think. I just attacked. I think I was hallucinating a little because at one point I SWEAR I saw a banana go up a man's buttcheeks. I have NO IDEA where something like that would come popping into my head though. Maybe this magic I have is starting to drive me crazy?
Once the adrenalin started to wear off, I did try to subdue one of the enemies to get information from them, maybe help them if they were trapped? But as soon as the fight left his body, a trickle of blood dripped down his face from his nose and he was dead. Just like that. Who would fight for a leader who treats their warriors like that? I’ll have to ask Madyln, she seems to know a lot about warfare, traditions, and etiquette. Maybe that’s a normal thing?
Well, come to find out this woman is quite a warrior and she was never alone! She had a friend fighting by her side that I confused for normal fungal flora by the name of Mott. He was quite ferocious! But what came as a larger surprise was the fact that this woman, Laina, actually had a literal small village of refugees in the woods that she was helping find a safe haven. Sure would’ve thought somebody would’ve tried helping her against those 6 enemies seeing as there were 50 of them. BUT they were mostly children and the injured so, they probably couldn’t do much anyway.
Manon and I wanted to bury Thersha close to a city or town so that we could know where to visit her again in the future. We were heading in the same direction as this Liana and her gaggle of 50 refugees. It was quite late so we made camp that night.
Madlyn has continued to train me, she brought up a good point in that I need to focus on defending myself - I have a shield now (I will add more color to it, it’s a little boring) and I must learn how to effectively use it. That and I must continue to get stronger, maybe I can start wearing more effective armor. If the enemies focus on hitting me, they’re not hitting my friends. I’d like to be able to protect them like that one day. Madyln wants me to use a sharp sword. I feel as though anyone swinging a weapon like that must be at peace with extinguishing life, which I am not. So, I will never carry a sword, or an ax, or a war hammer. I will carry this stick. Given to me by one who embraces life, so that I may help protect my friends and maybe even save an enemy from an evil path.
Shortly after my training session Thestral came galloping over to me in some distress. It seems Zylah had cast a “Speak with Animals” type spell and was trying to talk to Thestral, but something wasn’t working. Maybe she cast something wrong? But Zylah claims that Thestral is not what he seems. WELL DUH - HE’S A BOY GERBIL NOT A GIRL GERBIL. Old news Zylah. Old news. Anyway - Thestral and I cuddled and went to sleep.
Mishakal. That is the beautiful blue woman of magical mystery’s name. She woke me up, her and Thestral, and she guided me to a beautiful place in the woods. I didn’t give a second thought to following a stranger into strange woods, it was as if my mind had already been made and I was just following the script. She was so kind and understanding, being in her presence was like a balm to my hurting soul. I could feel the darkness evaporating from my heart with each passing moment with her. She’s absolutely incredible. I haven’t felt this weightless in my life. I wish to share with the world this feeling, so that others may feel the balm of her presence as I do. Somehow she knew JUST what to say to me about my loss. She told me that Thersha’s spirit has gone back into the world, and that death gives meaning to life and is a necessary part of the cycle. She honored Thersha with a place of remembrance, a beautiful blue flower garden in the woods. This is a place for Manon and I to come back to feel close with Thersha once more. I will be forever grateful for Mishakal’s act of kindness to a mortal whom she may not have known well, but meant so much to me.
Religion as it is practiced in this age is only a tool to control the masses and transfer power and wealth to those who are willing to ignore the tenants they preach to exploit those most vulnerable. I stand resolutely in opposition to this establishment, this “Radiant Church”, but to tear it down violently would only harm those it claims to protect. I must be patient, and I must infect this giant parasite from the inside, one church at a time. At least until the last man standing, Silus, sits alone on his empty throne of LIES and answers to THE PEOPLE about his actions. He will live the rest of his days in service to those he lied and cheated. He will NEVER be able to repay his debts to society but he will DIE in the endeavor to live up to those false expectations he so brazenly promised. This Mishakal, Goddess of kindness and love and forgiveness, she is too good for him, but I will make him pray to her.
Well, we gathered the party of adventurers and refugees after that and set off to the closest “town” we knew of which happened to be a goblinoid town that has maybe seen better days (or maybe this is the best it's ever looked I haven't a clue). The guards at the front gate, if you can call them guards and there really wasn't a gate anywhere to be found, were definitely on drugs. But they gave surprisingly clear instructions (to Zylah- I had no clue what general direction the guard pointed to) and we set off to speak to the head of the village. We’ve secured safe haven for the refugees here for the time being. We will set off tomorrow to the next city in order to send aid back here.
Mishakal Guide Us