13th of Cizek 532

Void - Everything and nothing

by Astraea Karasu

I'm starting to wonder if, the answer the monk wanted was: I'm everything and yet am nothing, as too me I'm everything, yet in your eyes I may as well be nothing.
When he asked: Who are you.
Could the answer to his question why the guy with a bucket was scolded, while the one with a basket was praised be: They were asked to catch the water, not the stop it flows.
And finally could the answer to Budha being the flag be: Both as it's a question of perspective.
If that's correct then Zen can seem complicated yet simple, which could explain how Jerry and Mary was able to pass while Me and Sakura did not.
Regardless Jerry vision gives me a sense of peace, knowing Kit soul is "safe", yet it's also worrisome as, I don't know who Ekron or the dragonborn with an undead hand (could it be the Daimyo son?)
Charon would be the ferry man and presumably Lori is the name of the Half-masked monk, who apparently brings people back from the death wearing maskes.
Could Aien be one of the people Lori brought back from the death?
He and Onon both wears Death Masks, and what's with marking on Aien's skin?
Could those be the reason why Aien is sentient while his other clan members brought back via... Blood Magic? Isn't.
Would explain why Aien doesn't match any Elf race I know, maybe I should try asking Sakura.
What secret could Jerry be seeking in an ancient dwarf forged?
Will the forged contain a suitable body for Brian? Which now that I think about, we never assked him about.

Continue reading...

  1. Arriving in Ashima
    1st of Cizek 532
  2. Escort of Princess Kitsumi
    2nd of Cizek 532
  3. Yuan-ti Ambush and the Magic Shop
    3rd of Cizek 532
  4. The Grave of Ide Kayo
    4th of Cizek 532
  5. A dog, mouse and some monkey's
    5th of Cizek 532
  6. The Monkey King in the Red Lotus Pagoda
    6th of Cizek 532
  7. The Fire Force, One Eye and The Truth
    7th of Cizek 532
  8. Princess of Betrayal
    8th of Cizek 532
  9. Meeting the Daimyo
    9th of Cizek 532
  10. The Spicy Trader?
    9th of Cizek 532
  11. The Sister
    10th of Cizek 532
  12. Kit
    10th of Cizek 532
  13. Zhi
    10th of Cizek 532
  14. The Pact
    11th of Cizek 532
  15. Brian the brain
    11th of Cizek 532
  16. Kit's heritage
    11th of Cizek 532
  17. The Bathhouse
    11th of Cizek 532
  18. I don't fell so good Astraea
    12th of Cizek 532
  19. A girl and her dragon
    12th of Cizek 532
  20. Goodbye... for now beloved.
    13th of Cizek 532
  21. Void - Everything and nothing
    13th of Cizek 532
  22. Hitting Rock bottom
    14th of Cizek, 532
  23. Still the same
    20th of Cizek 532
  24. The Great Library
    21th of Cizek, 532
  25. Mother of betrayal
    21th of Cizek, 532
  26. The great escape
    21th of Cizek, 532
  27. A wild world
    22th of Cizek, 532
  28. The choice
    22th of Cizek, 532
  29. Is this real or have I lost my mind?
    22th of Cizek, 532
  30. Still alive
    22th of Cizek, 532
  31. Not the same girl anymore
    22th of Cizek, 532
  32. Jun <The Doom One> and he who shall be cast into the "void"
    23rd of Cizek 532
  33. Crashing down
    24th of Cizek, 532
  34. The life a fox
    25th of Cizek, 532
  35. Loneliness
    26th of Cizek, 532
  36. The cycle
    26th of Cizek 532
  37. What was lost and what was found
    26th of Cizek 532
  38. The hard choice
    26th of Cizek 532
  39. The new leader
    26th of Cizek 532
  40. Rage of a Mouse
    26th of Cizek 532
  41. The First Ring
    26th of Cizek 532
  42. Your princess took the castle
    26th of Cizek 532
  43. What's behind the mask
    26th of Cizek 532
  44. Is Eternity the only way?
    27th of Cizek 532
  45. Trial of Air
    27th of Cizek 532
  46. The new leader
    27th of Cizek 532
  47. Meteor shower
    28th of Cizek 532
  48. Her name was Rena
    28th of Cizek 532
  49. A new friend
    28th of Cizek 532
  50. More friends?
    28th of Cizek 532
  51. A bigger fish
    28th of Cizek 532
  52. The Kunasa bathhouse
    28th of Cizek 532