I'm starting to wonder if, the answer the monk wanted was: I'm everything and yet am nothing, as too me I'm everything, yet in your eyes I may as well be nothing.
When he asked: Who are you.
Could the answer to his question why the guy with a bucket was scolded, while the one with a basket was praised be: They were asked to catch the water, not the stop it flows.
And finally could the answer to Budha being the flag be: Both as it's a question of perspective.
If that's correct then Zen can seem complicated yet simple, which could explain how Jerry and Mary was able to pass while Me and Sakura did not.
Regardless Jerry vision gives me a sense of peace, knowing Kit soul is "safe", yet it's also worrisome as, I don't know who Ekron or the dragonborn with an undead hand (could it be the Daimyo son?)
Charon would be the ferry man and presumably Lori is the name of the Half-masked monk, who apparently brings people back from the death wearing maskes.
Could Aien be one of the people Lori brought back from the death?
He and Onon both wears Death Masks, and what's with marking on Aien's skin?
Could those be the reason why Aien is sentient while his other clan members brought back via... Blood Magic? Isn't.
Would explain why Aien doesn't match any Elf race I know, maybe I should try asking Sakura.
What secret could Jerry be seeking in an ancient dwarf forged?
Will the forged contain a suitable body for Brian? Which now that I think about, we never assked him about.