It sounds like Sakura specializing in the same type of magic as my shishou, and yet she doesn't seem as fascinated by time.
Still it's nice to knowing my shishou is alone in her craft, unlike me who seems the only person interested in bring back Kit.
I'm kinda glad Aien uncle escape his prison cell, since that means Aien won't have to kill his own family and who knows maybe Onon finds redemption somehow.
I would how Onon escape the prison cell, and maybe I should lecture the guards in countering Misty Step, do such a thing could backfire in case I ever get unlucky enough to end up in a cell.
I'm happy your father like the urn to house your ashes, even if it's only temporary, since I will find a way to bring you back to life my love.
I don't care if Seto thinks it's wrong to bring you back, why should I suffer while he gets "rewarded" with the bathhouse where I lost you?
Hopefully you won't take offense to me using your Yumi, since I only does to honor your memory and remember my promise to your father beloved.
I should most likely ask the party if, they rather would stay dead even if it was in my power to bring them back to life.
That way I can start cutting the emotinal ties to those who wishes to stay dead and that way avoid suffering as must as I did with Kit, do I really hope neither Sakura or Zhi wanted to stay dead as I couldn't bear killing Kit again or taking away one of her friends.
I really hope Kit receiving a new name won't complicate bring her back and I wonder what her mother's real name actually was.