July 16, XX

The Ediolon Hunt

by Celeste Moon

Dream, Ronan, and I thought we'd find our target in the west. That was how we set out weeks ago. After a month of false leads and destroyed hopes, we found ourselves in an abandoned town near the edge of Ravensrock. We sensed an unusual presence however, and were contacted by some sort of dwarf giant named Ro'Shan. Their presence was uneasy at first, however Dream seemed to trust them. We followed them through the town and located some dwarvern fellow named Takkir, as well as an extremely comedic goliath named Grunk (I thought he was pretty cool). We exhanged plans and decided it would be safest to head towards Ravensrock, and set out after midday had passed.
We travelled for a short few hours, before the weather begun to worsen. We were showered with rain and heavy storm clouds, and everything seemed to reach a point of contention which sprung the adventure into action. The plains were silent, and trees motionless. Then, we heard it's arrival. In the distance, a shadowy form covered the horizon, and destroyed anything in it's path of terror. As it stepped over us, me and my allies were able to dodge it's slow attacks, however Ro'Shan was unable to properly dodge and was crushed under the foot. To my astonishment, they only recieved minor injuries which Dream instantly healed. The Ediolon was heading to Ravensrock. The wise dwarf knew to run early on, and was already hundreds of meters ahead of our group. I hopped onto Ronan and we sped off to warn the city of their impending doom.
Part of our party remained behind, running and attacking. I watched from Ronan's pouch as Ro'Shan fearlessly pummled the lower limbs of the beast with their bare hands. The display left me in awe. Someplace ahead I watched as Takkir was struck by a guided lightning bolt, which left their hair standing high and burned their clothes. As the storm covered our allies fighting, we arrived at the city, where we successfully warned the guards to evacuate and prepare for a siege unlike any other. On the battlefield I could see my friends struggling to keep up with the gargantuine demon. Dream was providing a key role in keeping our party alive, Ro'Shan tore its feet toe from toe, leaving no bones behind. Grunk and Takkir both worked together to fight the beast, and Ronan joined the chaos.
I saw it happen in slow motion. All of my friends were mercilessly kicked after a failed attempt to grappe one of its legs, and it had arrived at the city. Hundreds of guards lay outside, however there was nothing they could to stop it. A feeble trap I had lain failed to work on the creature, as it took another step and entered the city. Lightning and destruction littered the field everywhere. The guards were kicked wildly and unable to fight. Our party had arrived, and they entered the city to help defend, Ro'Shan still punching with such vigor. What dedication. Me and a few others attempted to scale the beast, however it was too much. I fell from it's leg, and plumeted to the ground. However, I landed softly in Grunk's arms (My hero), who then went on to continue fighting. I watched as Dream and Takkir took on it's weak points, which we had failed to notice earlier. Dream had activated their angelic powers and was flying around like a gnat, the beast swatting with little success. Ronan and I prayed to our wonderful goddess, and their innate powers were activated. They took on their beast form and charged the enemy. Me, on their back, prepared to put my perfect form on the line if necessary. However, we were late to the party. The Ediolon was already heavily damaged, and was preparing to leave the city, when Grunk dealt the finishing blow with a powerful javlin to the knee. The Ediolon thundered over, and collapsed into the second segment of the city.
We climbed the beast, and claimed it's death as a sign of good will from our Goddess. My friends were badly injured, however I managed to sustain no injuries. After thunderous applause from the humble cityfolk, we were granted free stay at their premeire Tavern, where we had some good times before resting (Pretty sure that Grunk guy did something with the barkeeper).
Thank you, Selune, for granting me this wonderful adventure, and these wonderful people.
Celeste Moon.

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  1. Exile
    December 14, Year of 20xx
  2. Wyatt
    October 13, 2021
  3. The Ediolon Hunt
    July 16, XX
  4. The Aftermath
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  5. Castle Monroe Report: Part 1
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