July 17, XX

The Aftermath

by Celeste Moon

Celeste here, logging another day of adventure!
Today I woke up with a strange feeling, like something was trying to tell me something. I couldn't work out or remember what it was, so I joined one of our new members in the main tavern. I was still hesitatnt to trust the barkeeper, and they didn't have any milk so I had to use one of my devices to get some. Some ruffians entered and attempted to make off with the keeper, however my good heart and... Ro'Shan? It's complicated. We both helped resist. Through some fiddling, we managed to help the poor woman escape.
After the evildoer's left, a poor looking man named Jerry approached us from a cellar. After examination, we discovered an abomination to creation, which appeared to be called Jerry Jr. We did the right thing, and put it out of its misery. May it find rest. Ro'Shan attacked and killed Jerry, which I was against. With Ro'Shan's help, we burried them behind their Inn. I forgot to mention, but I made a new friend! It's this strange, robotic individual named Michael. They showed me kindness and shared some chocolate! (My favorite mortal food). After consulting the map, we decided it would be best to head North. I knew of a pathway South which would be quick, and lined with good services, however I was decieved by my quick trust in my ally. Ro'Shan took me directly North, and despite my requests to visit Weasel town to find their partner a friend, they headed the wrong direction.
I figure now might be a good time to explain that we left behind part of the party, with instructions on where to find us. After the fight, our more injured needed time to rest. It was decided silently that we would travel alone, as doing so was less likely to attract attention and unwanted danger. Ronan and Dream would be to travel west, to look for any leads. They would also make to collect rewards for slaying the beast. Takkir, was left to decide what they would do. We believe he spent most of the day frollicking in fields and talking to odd strangers he passed on the road. We would not see him until much later.
We stopped at a nice Water Spring area, which I was quick to take in fully. I'm always prepared for a good Spring! I found Michael's interpretation on swimming to be most entertaining! He just walked in without changing or anything, he's so innocent. Ro'Shan brought me some poisoned berries, which I rejected without fail. The spice from the ones I did take, however, was brutal. While I can tolerate mild spice, it isn't to my liking. My milk had no effect, and only after trusting Ro'Shan did I accept the poisoned berries. I still feel sick about it. In the end the feeling went away, however the berries weren't so bad.
We arrived in a new town shortly after, which at the time I was sure would have been Weasel Town. I was mistaken and distraught, however, when I discovered that there were no weasels to be found. Ro'Shan led me to my first lead, "Pet Store", which turned out to be n o t a p e t s t o r e. I took what I could manage. We lay rest to the poor weasels who perished in the town. Despite my poor mood, I carried on for the good of the team. Michael was very helpful in these times. We visited a potion's shop, and the keeper was instantly hostile to me. I only wanted to do good buisness! I could quickly tell they were dangerous, however I didn't want to put our visit to town in any danger, so we left without any combat.
Ro'Shan found some jobs, and we decided to help a poor fellow find their stolen Lucky Rock. I am no stranger to losing loved items, so it felt personal for us to solve. Me and Master Detective Ro'Shan began the case, searching their home for any clues. We discovered a trail of excrement, which lead to the town's dockyard, where we found our first suspect. Their brother, who was supposedly jealous of the rock, had stolen it! Using my masterful detective lenses, we deducted that by leading the brother to a safer location, we could slip the rock off of them. After some messing around, we discovered that the brother did not have the rock. We returned to the scene of the crime, and only found a card. The White Scorpion Guild, of Assassins. We were awestruck. An assassin had stolen the rock?! When we presented the evidence to our client, they seemed hessitant and dismissive. We decided to head to sleep for the night, and rented a basic inn. I placed some basic trap spells and headed to sleep.
I could hardly sleep, however. The story did not add up. Who was responsible for stealing the rock?
Needless to say, we had nothing.
Our answer would arrive quickly, however. I noticed Michael had awoken, and was staring at a shadowy individual in our window. I could hardly see them, as if they were cloaked by magic.
A second individual entered through the doorway, however my trap had successfully captured them! In panic, unarmored or geared, I opted to hide behind Michael. The assassins decended upon Michael and Ro'Shan, however we appeared to be doing alright. In an instant, however, I watched as Ro'Shan was stabbed by the assassin's blade. I could see the pain in their eyes, as they pushed on. It was unbelievable. Michael kept taking damage, and I was getting desperate. Our party was sure to perish. I thought a simple prayer.
"Oh, Selune. Will you send aid to us? Your Holy Crusade is not yet complete!"
With a flash, the window burst open. I couldn't see what was happening, but our Knight had arrived. The cloaked figure yelled a war cry, as they charged towards the first assassin, hitting them deeply with their Axe. It was Takkir!
I chant, "Blessed be Lady Selune!" Ro'Shan hit the second assassin hard, and they fell over. A well timed paralysis arrow stopped them in their tracks. Takkir beat the final assassin into submission, and refusing surrender, was forced to decapitate the assassin. In the meantime, I was unable to help, as I watched Ro'Shan drown the final assassin, who was paralyzed and unable to resist. The display was disgraceful to say the least.
After the fighting was done, Takkir healed Michael and Ro'Shan. We cleaned what mess there was, and headed to bed. We would do more investigating in the morning.
Turns out the assassins were members of the White Scorpion Guild, and was also the person who gave us the quest. Ro'Shan ran into the woods at the end of the night, so I was unable to scold them for their behavior fully.
I pray we can solve our conflict with our party member peacefully.
With love, to Selune,
Celeste Moon

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  1. Exile
    December 14, Year of 20xx
  2. Wyatt
    October 13, 2021
  3. The Ediolon Hunt
    July 16, XX
  4. The Aftermath
    July 17, XX
  5. Castle Monroe Report: Part 1
    July 20, XX