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Sat 13th Jul 2024 02:50

power and danger deserves respect

by Dell D'Joyeaux

A successful heist of the camp, a successful hiding from that damn black dragon. Major props to Xanks hallucinatory spell to hide us. Some magic has more utility than just harm... probably worth considering some more if I'm going to keep learning more magic. Kravlak shows another annoying example of utility spells by being able to converse with the Canardog- who evidently thinks I tried to attack it?!? (but sure, I'm the dumbass) and gifting the Red Draconian, named Lerin, the ability to speak with us despite language barriers.
To sum up: the Canardog- Chase is a gold dragon who is related to the gods.... I cant even with these gods family trees and interwoven connections. Chase was able to get us past the barrier to the Brass dragons. (A deep shaft, that curved down and to the left). The record keeper (names himself Jacob after his son) gifts us secretly from dragons hoard (ugh, hoarded wealth is never a good thing). The biggest Brass Dragon, Maslu, upon waking felt the need to be extolled further and have us all bow to them. Taking my eyes off him and being subservient to a creature who all I've seen is death and destruction from their kind seems foolish, but Aylin and the others all seem to recognize it as a social custom. Far be it from me to not flow with the tide. The Brass dragons will help Kalaman (nice) but wish to remain secret from the other dragons (smart) and the 20 of them will go with Becklin to Kalaman- disguised as human (again- utility magic) refugees to Kalaman. Kravlak is given a big brass scale as some sort of beacon. While haughty, they are a fount of information- including a general idea of where Onyari is (the city of lost names) and Aylin is pretty sure she has an idea where that is/was. Perk to being ageless I suppose, you get pretty good at geography. Chase is sticking with us, Kravlak is utterly smitten. Lord Charity is learning fetch from the Canardog. I'm sure he'll be helpful, it certainly cant hurt to have a transformable gold-dragon-canardog on your side...
Lerin, the Red Draconian is only 6 months old and we find that Takhsis and crew is able to hatch draconians from dragon eggs. something like 20 per egg. Although the training is intense and Lerin says none of his other clutchmates survived. This is harsh, but maybe its a blessing that so few survive- 20 per egg and they could get as big and strong as what we've seen... I cant imagine we could raise an army strong enough to face all of them. But clearly there is some dissent, as Lerin shows. He didn't want to kill (more) at Vogler and subsequently beaten and tortured. Despite language barriers Lerin is ready and willing to help around the crew, (thank gods, because somehow Kravlak had me on the anchor end of a rope with his big ass going down a tunnel- I'm wiry not beefy) but we collectively discuss that maybe Hart's Hallow will be safer for him to go to then Kalaman. Lerin agrees and we part from the Brass Dragons and Becklin and continue North.
As we approach we see the Black dragon, then the mayor who comes out transforms into a Brass Dragon... it's a near even fight, at first- but the black dragon clearly has some right bastard in them, they feint and kill the Brass... This fight was epic- the speed, the power, the deadliness... it reminds me of the ocean. But we've figured out how to sail on the deadly seas, there is no mortal concept of containing, controlling, or sailing dragons to my knowledge. How the living fuck are we supposed to get 5 different dragon's scales AND a claw or tooth from Takhsis? These creatures have power beyond anything I've seen; faster than Aylin, more stalwart than Lord Charity, more cunning than Steve, more mystical than Kravlak, and more potent blasts than Xanks. We will definitely need everything we have and then some to take one down.
Maybe bowing to the Maslu was the right decision, that kind of power and danger deserves respect.