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Sat 9th Mar 2024 03:14

lessons in humility

by Dell D'Joyeaux

The past week, week and a half has been a bit of a blur... not the same blur as when me beloved died, more a blur of activity, fights, and discovery.
The first mission was out at some burning farmstand and damn that Xanks is as potent as a full typhoon. That cold magic is brutal and debilitating, friendly fire be a risk in any battle, but im glad to have Kravlaks connection with the ring to shake off some of that hurt. The fight was one sided and over quickly. Aylin is now wielding a brightly colored ax from the enemies and the opponents are looking for soldiers not thugs... this is disconcerting. Back at Kalaman Kravlak brews potions, does work on his healing and cooking plans. I find theres no news coming from the North East.
The second mission was a blockade of sorts out of town. Xanks again shows his potency with that ice spell. Boreas literally turns men into gas... I dont even know what to do with that information. and Aylin's rainbow ax explodes a guy. She seems way to happy and comfortable bathing in the blood of her enemies... Charity's concept of saving her may end up getting him killed. When one of these draconic monsters died they exploded lightning all over me, again blessed by Kravalk and that ring. Aylin possesses the ability to mend materials with magic and we are able to return to Kalaman with nearly 2 months worth of rations. Which will likely be useful as these raids, attacks, and lack of news seem to be increasing around us.
The third mission had Charity, Aylin, and myself charge in against those draconic monsters but spells are faster than steel and their blood literally turns us to stone. Magic is power, and we are certainly in need of more power. The scout informs us about a split in the Red Dragon army over to Hinterlund and Nightlund. Talking with Vendri this certainly seems like the best opportunity to strike and eliminated some of this invading force. They've clearly been planning and coordinating long before any of us had ever set eyes on each other. We obviously need all the help we can get.
Which is a major part of why I agreed with Condor Sargonnas. Power in return for a scale from green, red, white, and blue dragon. A claw or tooth from that bitch Takhsis. I'll gladly tear her apart to chum pieces and scatter them across the land and sea. He marks my arm with new ink, a condor in flight. My soul, its already spent and gone with my beloved. Condor Sargonnas bargains for material scraps while giving me an avenue to enact my utmost desire. It'd have been an easy deal had the Condor not asked for Kravlak also. His soul remains clean, free, and unfettered, soaring in the mountains. Kravlak is not mine to barter with, these gods dont seem to understand consent. Now that we are gathering power, maybe us lowly mortals can give them some lessons in humility.