We wake up early and Donaar goes to talk to the kobold Priests of the Three. He's looking for information on where we can find a dragon to siphon off some of its blood. I think it's a crazy idea...like any dragon will willingly give up its blood for us...but hey, Donaar is of dragon lineage, so stranger things have happened. More importantly, I go shopping to see if I can get my clawfoot hides tannned and made into a saddle and maybe some armor as well. I get the process started, they say it will take a couple of days. Whatever. Then I go to the stables to get Snappy some training. 1 Galifar per day seems pricey, but I can't convince them to lower the price. Seems that kobolds aren't swayed by halfling charm. I stable Snappy with them anyways because Donaar came back with some story that the kobold dragon has been missing about a year and now we need to blah... blah.. blah... All I know is now we have another quest to go boar hunting for food to offer up on a trip to an island someplace.
Maybe I can get a boar to feed Snappy. We go out hunting and find a few boars milling about and eating. As I'm sneaking up to surprise one, a huge bear jumps out and kills a boar in one swipe! As a boar runs screaming past my, I stick my rapier into it and end up killing it a few seconds later. Because we almost lost the boars, I stuck an arrow into the bear to teach it a lesson. Well, he goes all crazy on us and we end up killing it. Huh. It was a werebear because it turned into a human upon death. Oh, well. One less human taking up space on this planet. We also ended up killing all the boars, so Snappy will get a bunch of food. We bring the boars back to Qn'anhyrd the cleric and he says that one of them will make a passable sacrifice to the dragon. I bring the rest of the boar meat to the stables. Stupid kobold trainer won't lower the price even though I provided food for him for days! Damn, he bargains hard—I wonder if he has halfling ancestry.
The priest decides that we can go to the island now, so we pack up and head back out. We are jumped by three froghemoths. See what I did there? We manage to kill them, but Wabnuc ends up getting swallowed. Poor creature gets eaten by everything. Frogs, rugs, you name it. Wabnuc loots the neck sacs from the frogs babbling about making floaters for Adam. Sounds too technical for me. Whatever floats his boat...