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27th of Olarune, 999 YK

The Day My Life Ended

by Prowler Gaetan of Avenmark

What have you gotten yourself into Gaetan? Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t what Demetrius ultimately brought me to. First, after I was finishing up the last entry, I was overcome with the urge to sleep and down I went into the Black. I awake to have the Captain lording over me smoking his pipe, and apologizing saying the sleep was a way of ensuring the safety of his employers. He then tosses me a blue scale saying the it’s the emblem of the “Conspiracy” , and that I have an audience with his bosses. Now knowing that I have without a doubt entered a situation that is over my head, I went along him. After all, I still needed answers and I wouldn’t get any if I was uncooperative.
The captain then led me out of the hold of the ship and onto where we docked. The sight I saw when I came out of the Noir... I am not sure mere words can describe it. We were on a giant floating island on which sat a massive library the likes of which I have never seen before. The captain then explained that this island was called the “Last Gift” and that we’ll have to wait before the other members of my meeting arrive and so we waited. Him sitting there smoking his pipe and me trying my best to capture the majesty of my surroundings.
After a while the other members arrived alongside an escort by a lackey of some supposed importance and what I guess is their superior. The lackey, a Githyaki, introduced himself as Kharrad and proceeded to escort us to the meeting location alongside his silent Dragonborn superior. While we were walking I noticed that my medallion had zero reaction to “Gift” even though the place was obviously magical in nature. Perhaps this is the function of a magical defense mechanism? A question for later. Anyway, we arrived to a waiting area before the meeting room. It was here that the secretary there mentioned the superior’s name as “Durnehvirr” and told us all to wait for our time to meet the person who summoned us here.
Before we could all sit down, the one human they refer to as “Marion” left to find a shitter; which was strange considering they hadn’t seem to have the inclination not seconds before. Regardless, Marion left leaving me with who I learned were “Niko” a half-elf, “Emilia” a Dragonborn, and C4l3b a war forged who they refer to as “Caleb”. I noticed they were all wearing Brelish military officer uniforms and all knew each other. After further questioning I learned that they all went to that military academy in Breland together, and had recently gone through quite an ordeal the exact nature of which is still unknown to me. After some inconsequential chatter and Marion’s return, we were called into the meeting room. In there sat two people a half- dragon scientist named Cynella and the headman (or at least a high ranking member) named Regiophios.
We all took our seats and the meeting began. Reggie first addressed the officers and they said there piece. That Marion seemed especially pissed about something. Anyway, I didn’t pay much attention to their part of the meeting ,but two things did stick out to me: the mention of “The Triumvirate” and “Mother”. This triumvirate probably being the organization that Blair’s a part of and this Mother is perhaps the head? Anyway, their part of the meeting ended with them joining the “Conspiracy”. Then came my turn. Reggie offered me more platinum than I’ve ever thought of ever attaining in my wildest dreams to accomplish two tasks: Kill Blair and to find the organization responsible for the changeling behind the Noir incident. If I refuse they’ll send me on my way, wiping my memory leaving me without a care in the world. Sounds like bliss! However! Nero is still alive and is being held by the bad guys. Fuck my life. Oh and also I mentioned that Nero referred to the mark as the “coordinate” to Reggie. That egg head then took a look, mentioned something about “Alchemical symbols” and that tomorrow someone named “Ashatari” will examine it... whatever the fuck that means. The meeting ended when Reggie wanted an answer to his question regarding my agreement to the contract.
I asked for time to think on it, and he gave everyone (besides me and egghead) scales to signal their initiation into the “Conspiracy” and keycards to rooms. The Officers got to stay in one of the library towers while I’m stuck here in the barracks.
So to sum it up: it indeed seems I’m swimming in the shit... no let’s be honest I’m drowning in it. From the second the Captain started talking about conspiracies and memory wipes I was ready to reject any and all offers. This was sounding too similar to the Blair incident, and I was keen to not repeat the same mistake. I just kill monsters. Nothing more nothing less. Have I ever wanted more than that? Maybe... but all this talk of secret organizations, prophecies, betrayal, and causes makes my skin itch. All my instincts are telling me to take the memory wipe with gusto, continuing on my merry way. Who would blame me? But Nero... he needs my help. That’s what convinced me. I’m not going on a half-assed quest akin to a knight-errant to accomplish some “greater good” for king and country. I’m not doing it for the platinum either (though if I’m being honest it’s a nice bonus). I’m risking my neck for a friend... plain and simple. If I get “Lone Wolfed” well fuck it I guess. Maybe one day I’ll be able to figure something out. Maybe get Aelrindel to
vouch for me? Regardless, in a sea of infinite possibilities I arrive at this moment of critical decision. A decision that will irrevocably change my life and potentially lead to its end. If that happens I just hope Aelrindel understands why I did what I did. That I decided to take the lesser evil for a friend.
Lingering thoughts
-Ask Reggie for an advance for equipment
-Ask Reggie about Blair and Nero
-Ask Reggie about crew
-Ask Reggie about Triumverate
-Find out more about the Conspiracy
-Caleb seems determined to be my friend.
-Emila acts strangely around me
-What is Marion upset about?
-What does Aelrindel know about the mark?
-Contact Aelrindel
A drawing of Last gift made on the bench. sketches of: Emilia, Caleb, Niko, Marion, Durnhevir, Cynella, Blowhard (Kherrad), Reggie, and Demetrius. Detailed drawing of the Mark notating possible recognizable alchemical symbols. A cartoon of me smashing Blair over the head with a platinum ingot

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