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Prowler Gaetan of Avenmark
Silver-bolt of Breland

Gaetan, born 974 YK to unknown parents. Raised and mentored by the Prowler Aelrindel, the Silver Sword of Sharn. Member of the Prowler guild and graduate of the School of the Wolf

999 YK
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Therendor 15th, 995 YK

First Stop, First Tower

by Prowler Gaetan of Avenmark

We’ve made it to First Tower. I don’t know if that’s much of an accomplishment considering that it’s a stone’s throw away from Sharn, but Rana or “Mockingjay'' as she has me refer to her in public (I told her that that does not exist and she told me “whether or not it exists I do and I like the name therefore it exists.”) sure as hell seems in high spirits anyway. We got here around the afternoon and she spent most of the rest of the day sketching the eponymous First Tower and the surrounding Dhakanni ruins. She has some fascination with the old empire I can’t quite wrap my head around. I mean I love old dilapidated ruins as much as the next guy, but not to the point of spending hours drawing them in meticulous detail. Anyway, once she had her fill the sun had gone down, so I suggested we stay the night at the local inn “The First Stop '' (how long did it take for them to find that name?) as First Tower is the last bit of civilization before Wroat. She thankfully agreed and before we settled in our rooms we drank and discussed the trip for a bit.
It seems Nowhere is a few miles due south of Hatheril where the lightning rails cross. With that in mind the route I suggested is to simply take the OTR through Wroat all the way to Hatheril then follow the rail south to the meeting point. (I’d rather avoid Woodhelm if we can help it as going through Dragonwood to get there will slow us down.) With my optimal route in mind and without any hiccups we should get there towards the end of the month.
Tomorrow morning we’ll set out early and should reach the halfway point between here and Wroat come nightfall. Have to see how’ll “Mockingjay'' will hold up though, she’s never gone on as much as a hike before so this will be quite the change of pace. Afterall, It is much easier to sing about and praise the spirit of adventure than to put one foot in front of the other for hours on end. That is something I learned the hard way in my travels with Aelrindel. Yep, mostly hours of mind numbing silence broken by the occasional “You’re falling behind Faolain”. Eh well if I’m being fair to the old man they weren’t all bad. I always loved the nights he felt it was safe enough to play his lute and sing. It was a side to him that many never got to see and he always looked at peace when playing. A peace that I myself always wanted to have, but well fate decided differently. I don’t know, maybe this trip will actually do me some good. At least I’m not by myself and Rana seems interesting (if a little irritating).

Gaetan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Day My Life Ended
    27th of Olarune, 999 YK
  2. Return to Sharn
    28th of Olarune 999 YK
  3. The Kid
    1st of Therendor, 999 YK
  4. The Surprise
    2nd of Therendor, 999 YK
  5. First Stop, First Tower
    Therendor 15th, 995 YK

The major events and journals in Gaetan's history, from the beginning to today.

First Stop, First Tower

We’ve made it to First Tower. I don’t know if that’s much of an accomplishment considering that it’s a stone’s throw away from Sharn, but Rana or “Mockingjay'' as she has me refer to her in public (I told her that that does not exist and she...

02:50 am - 08.04.2022

The Child Surprise

Greetings Old Friends. It's been a ...

03:17 pm - 01.07.2021

The Kid

Greetings Old Friend, I've just finished going over this map I've... appropriated from an NRF officer. Who's the NRF and how did I get this so-called officer's map? Well let's start where we left off yesterday. We're dropped onto the lower levels of Sharn...

11:26 pm - 16.06.2021

Return to Sharn

Here I go once again into the unknown to my probable death. Hey, but at least this time it’s actually for something right? I can at least say I died for a cause instead of for a hefty coin purse Imma blow on drinks and cards; but I digress. Day started ...

12:04 am - 13.06.2021

The Day My Life Ended

What have you gotten yourself into Gaetan? Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t what Demetrius ultimately brought me to. First, after I was finishing up the last entry, I was overcome with the urge to sleep and down I we...

05:41 pm - 27.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gaetan.

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