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28th of Olarune 999 YK

Return to Sharn

by Prowler Gaetan of Avenmark

Here I go once again into the unknown to my probable death. Hey, but at least this time it’s actually for something right? I can at least say I died for a cause instead of for a hefty coin purse Imma blow on drinks and cards, but I digress. Day started with a knock on the door of my royal suite with only slight damp in Last Gift’s barracks. A courier saying that Reggie has invited me to a big meeting around midday. I took the opportunity to ask about this “Ashatari” I’m supposed to meet regarding the mark and the courier said that she’ll be at the meeting as well. How… convenient. Anyway, I decided to head towards the mess hall to pass the time till the meeting. I haven’t had a home cooked meal in weeks and I was craving for some real food. To my surprise I spotted Demetrius there and I proceeded to strike up a conversation with the old rogue. According to him there has been some shit going on in Breland since I’ve been away. Good ole’ King Boranel has been assassinated and princess Eliri is now Queen Eliri. The shit I miss sometimes. Though I think perhaps this time it’s for the better. Who knows what I would have gotten into had I been in Breland at the time. Anyway, when he mentioned that the Queen had been saved by a particular group of Brelish military officers, I had a sneaking suspicion that he was unknowingly referencing those officers I met yesterday. I voiced this and he bet me 50 crisp gold coins that I was wrong and if I was wrong he would get Riposte. Naturally, I took the bet. I might not always be right, but my hunches are rarely wrong. After we were done chatting I headed over to the meeting hall and took a seat next to crew from yesterday. Reggie started his speech announcing that our team Ash, Frosty, Durn, Niko, Marion, and I are a formal team and will be sent out on a mission. To be honest I was more invested in my flask, but the look on Kherrad’s face after Reggie was done was priceless. We met with Reggie and he explained the mission in full. We are to retrive “Devan Ulyvar” a person of some importance to the Officers and of some importance to me (he is my coin after all). He’s located Sharn and that's about all we know. Also, (this is the icing on the cake dear friend) during the briefing I asked Ash to look at my mark as I’ve been told to. After examining it she told me that I’m ethereally bound to an entity. I still don’t even know how to process that information and she told me that hours ago. One crisis at a time Gaetan. I tried asking her later if she can find out who I’m bound to and all she told me was that she’ll ask her mentor when we return to Last Gift (more like if). But I digress dear reader. After the meeting was done Durn and I took the time to head off to the forge for a buckler. After all I am going to in all likelihood be fighting more humans and I would appreciate the extra protection. The smith there “Tiberius Stormsworth” was willing to make one and I used the bet money to pay for it (thanks for your contribution Deme). I took one of their shields to tide me over in the mean time. After I was done at the forge we all met up at the Noir and headed off to Sharn. Still in the air now but it won’t be long till we touch down. I feel… Going have to cut this short old friend. Seems we’ve landed.

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  2. Return to Sharn
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