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Flamerule 30, 1490

Flamerule 1490

by Helgret Hammerstone

Kythorn 29 - Flamerule 01, 1490: Arrive at Readlarch via airship. Looking for the tower of Moog, stopped to ask for directions in a local tavern. NW 1 mile off the road in the direction of Kryptgarden Forest. Rented 2 draft horses for 10 gold each/week and bought a cart for 15 gold, Diana paid for this. On the way to the to the tower Beryl hears a noise and we see 4 ogres in the distance 100 ft off the road and they see us. A battle comenses and we find that they have very little resistance to any wisdom spells or intelegance spells, and they have a movement speed of 40 ft. Diana cast enimys abound and it kept two busty while we battle the other two. Beryl cast toll the dead many times with wonderful effect. All four ogres dies. Upon retrospect we should have questioned them about the tower we seek. An hour later while still traveling on the longroad we see a tower, through a small forrest and over a small bridge. The tower has three gargoils on top. Helgret and Kitsune stay with the cart while the rest of the party invewstigates. The party is met by a giant eaglewho trys to block their way across the bridge. Gildas and Beryl pass the eagleand one of the gargoils from the top fly down and in common said “warning, turn back madousa”. Helgret and Kitsune join the party, we all go inside and find a mirror. Beryl cast heat metal on it and it explodes, out comes a Deathlock. It has resistance to all nonmagical weapons, radiant damage worked it was undead. Beryl cast Dispel curse on the gargoil that tried to keep us from entering the tower. Diana cast greater restoration using her charm of restoration to heal him. His name is Filbreth Failspar and he is a wizard (lvl3) who has been trapped over a century. We take Filbreth back to Redlarch. Durring the next two days Beryl return to the tower to rescue a gargoil a day. We ask around about the madusa that turned the men in to gargoils. Madusa move from the tower after she found arcaina. She found other places to reak havock. Philomela was her name, she once was well connected with the locals when she was human. She was an actress and was rich. She would flaunt her wealth and throw lavish parties at her mansion on the north side of slumber hills, the current forrest there was her original garden and it is filled with a managarie of animals. She had many friends and more false friends, she cought the attention of the demon lord Graz’zt. He was jelous of her and wanted her for himself. She refused him and he turned her in to a Madusa, this happened deccades ago. The second gargoil Oakin Keeneye a Goliath Ranger and the third was a Firbold Cleric Thuiahue Azaki (AKA: Sparklepants Mcgee). We decide to check out the Mansion of Philomela.
Flamerule 02, 1490: 4mph of 30miles a day on the wagon being pulled by Draft horses 75 miles from Redlarch to get to the Mansion of Philomela.Normal temp with a light wind out of the north west, no rain.
Flamerule 03, 1490: Cooler temp by 20deg light wind out of the north west, heavy rain. Off the road we see a festival ground the sign reads “Festum Annua”. Tir goes alone to investigate, he turns invisable to do so. There is a figure that is almost like paper mache in the center that sounds like it is crackiling and the grounds apear to have been diserted. Tir goes to look at the figure and it burst in to flames and a figure of a woman says “Run, You are in danger!” . Three bearded devils burst forth each has a alchemical symbol on their chest and they attack . Tir tries to run but they strike him down. We get close and try to save him. Durring the battle non magical weapons don’t do full damage, must use magical weapons. They regenarate after so long, could not figure out the puzzle. We retrieve Tir and retreat. No more solo trips, always have a battle buddy.
Flamerule 04, 1490: Rest day made camp allong the road
Flamerule 05, 1490: Travel Day
Flamerule 06, 1490: Arrive Philomela’s Thanks to Kitsune the druid we passed throught the garden with only one encouter. 10 Cockatrice were slain and we collected 10 beaks and 20 feet along with meat. We arrived outside the house and saw a few creepy life like stone statues one was holdin a potion of somekind . Beryl finds a coin on the ground with the face of Waukeen on it and it speaks to him and tells him to help the lady of this house. Philomela emerges fom the shodows and Beryl tellds her we wish to help her and gives her the coin. She is instantly curred from her curse and ask if we can take her away from there, she wants to go to waterdeep and will pay us each 5000 gold to get her there safely. We agree to escort her to Waterdeep.
Flamerule 07, 1490: travel to Waterdeep
Flamerule 08, 1490: Arrive at Waterdeep and collect 5000 gold each from Philomela, we find that she is a Bard (lvl20). Each party member except Gildas put 500 gold in to the party fund. We will rest from the day. While drinking in the taven Thoram met a tabaxie named Cloud on the Mountain who is looking for 3 Lamas who went missing near Silverymoon. Heard that Nandar is looking for adventurers to send on a mission.
Flamerule 09, 1490: Take the Harper teleportation network (HTN) circle to Everlund. Go to speak with Kelwin about Enchanting studded armor made front the blink dog hide that was collected. Options are Misty Step (1 month &4000 gold) or Teleport (2 months, 20,000 gold). Took the HTN back to Waterdeep to visit with the house Nandar’s villa to see what he wants.Thoram and I go to the house. Met Regina a well dressed femail halfling. She escorts us in to the waiting chamber where Nandar greets us and ask that we go to the Ardeep Forrest and find out what they know about his sisters Velerosa’s Death and the Giant attacks. Deliver a crest to the elves of Ardeep for 100 gold each and he will give us 250 gold for each right giant ear we bring him. Durring conversation we informed him that the elves are in process of rebuilding Nightstone, he is not happy about this. Travel to Nightstone (5h by airship) to see if Volwin is back from his trip in to another plane. He has returned so we ask for an audience. While we wait Volgrim walks past in shining armor, we watched him die not long ago. He said that he has a duty to perform. Met with Volwin and with him he has Ron Arrowholm who does not like Nandar. We inforrm Volwin of our slip up with Nandar. He says it is fine and we tell him of the quest that we were task with. Ron is an elf of the Ardeep and takes the crest and says the will take care of it. Volwin ask that we clear out the old Nandar hunting lodge in the forest of some giants that have taken up residence there. We agree to help.
Flamerule 10, 1490: Travel in to the woods to Nandars old hunting keep. We see a overturnned cart in the front and hear noise inside. Find a small dragon like creature that is trying to save her companion that the giants had kidnapped. She agrees to help up if we help her. We creap in toward the back and Gildas began a parlay with the giants throught a hole in the wall. He pesuades them to leave if we help them get their husbands back from Grud Hag and they reliese the prisoners they are holding. They reluctantly agree and they reliese the creatures complnion and all the captives they were holding in the hold out back. Included in the hole outback was a pig and a goblin (slurpy). Once they began back to Nightstone the Pig transformed in to a wizard named Harold Glimmerswick. We convenced Slurpy to also accompany us to Grud hag. The leader of the Female Giants there is named Belch. Travel begins to Grudd Hag.
Flamerule 11-14, 1490: Travel to Grud hag and pick up 2 more giants, and 4 ogres.
Flamerule 15, 1490: 5 giants, 4 ogres, 2 diar wolves. Gave Belch potion of enlargement and all giants, ogres, and diar wolves follow Belch in to the hall of Grud hag. Diana cast invisability on Gildas, Gildas cast invis on Beryl, Thorum & Helgret. Beryl cast a spell on Belch, Helgret, and himself to increase max HP by 15 for 8h. Belch also has protection from posion. Belch takes the potion of enlargement that last for 1d4= 4h as we enter the hall of Grud Hag. Inside 5 male Hill giants 4 ogres and 6 goblins. Gah and Belch battle, Belch struck 4 times and the cart that Gah was on collapsed. Many items clammered from the cart that Gah fell from including the Conch of teleportation. She fell down a pit and Belch followes. We grabbed the conch and ran away, they noticed the conch float away and sound the alarm. Beryl tossed a Gnomishguard Grinade that was amazing and should be carried by ever member of the party. No loot war picked up except the conch and Gildas grabbed a wand. The women collect their husbands and the others disperse. We head back to redlarch
Flamerule 17, 1490: Arrive in Redlarch, 20 deg warmer than normal with a strong wind out of the east, light rain. Gildas wants to buy viles to collect demon ichor at the tower (20 viles purchased) where we helped the cursed gargoyles revert back to men. While at the tower collecting ichor we saw the three men looking for their gear. Gave them one vile of demon ichor to sell tho aid in their travels. We decide to claim and repair this vacant tower. Slurpy will stay and watch over the place while we are gone.
Flamerule 18, 1490: Collect clay for Beryl to use stone shape on to repair the towers roof and addition.
Flamerule 19, 1490: Repairs of roof begin.
Flamerule 20, 1490: Beryl cast Stone Shape to complete the repair on the stone roof of the Library. For dinner Beryl and I went in to Red Larch (2h by horse drawn cart). Beryl purchased 5 books (6g) for the library.
Flamerule 21,1490: Beryl created a forge, a harth, and a statue of Slurpy the goblin at the yet to be named library tower covered with demon ichor. While in Waterdeep Diana, Gildas, and Thoram purchased books 120 books purchased (40 mixed between smithing (crafting) and alchomy (arcana) paid for by Beyr[100g]l, 80 mixed between language, maps, history, crafting, arcana, and survival paid for by Helgret [200g})
Title Author Primary_Topic Secondary_ Topic Language
Flipcraft Julya Brasstree Acrobatics Common
Swimming the Sword Coast Jurg Crabbane Acrobatics Common
The Art of the Pratfall Jasper Jynx Acrobatics Common
Tip on the Tightrope Frandil Bruthin Acrobatics Common
Tumble Times Elder Rex Acrobatics Common
1,000 Uses for Prestidigitation Drexil Humblepot Arcana Common
A Toast to Ysgard Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
Abjuration Spells of Protection Artin Wollsley Arcana Common
Ascending to the Astral Plane Grotint Rakkerin Arcana Draconic
Basic Abjuration Spells Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Befuddling Your Enemies: Illusion Spells Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Beginning Conjurations Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Elminster's Quarrel Pulster Immerhin Arcana Common
Enchanting Ideas Heath Moores Arcana Common
Enchanting Uncommon Objects Artin Wollsley Arcana Common
Enchantments: An Introduction Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Escaping the Shadow Plane Artin Wollsley Arcana Common
Even More Potions Lisa Hedgewick Arcana Crafting Common
Evocation Basics Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Exploring the Feywild Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
Gehenna's Gates Krondil Asperban Arcana Draconic
Into the Abyss Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
Melf: Man of Mystery Pulster Immerhin Arcana Common
Necromancy for Beginners Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Perfecting Your Brew Hark Stonecut Arcana Crafting Dwarven
Potions Lisa Hedgewick Arcana Crafting Common
Seven Years in Arcadia Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
Simple Transmutations Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Spectacular Celestia Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
Studies in Divination Forowen Grimkeep Arcana Common
Tenser's Conjurations Pulster Immerhin Arcana Common
The Infrastructure of Mechanus Cedric Rutherford Arcana Common
The Life and Times of Bigby Pulster Immerhin Arcana Common
A Guide to Tanning Hilathe Rivermen Crafting Leather Common
Armor and Weapons Largo Steamsong Crafting Metal Common
Black Brews Holland Pierce Crafting Common
Bows to Furniture: the Southern Method Sile Harrowind Crafting Wood Common
Crafting with Wood Baxter Hilfskan Crafting Common
Dwarfcraft Headra Murkypool Crafting Metal Dwarven
Forging Magical Weapons Frostin Apperschmidt Crafting Dwarven
Fundaments of Metalworking Hargo Steamsong Crafting Metal Common
Leather, Fur and Hides Ned Hunter Crafting Leather Common
Loomcrafting Silas Stemwater Crafting Clothing Common
Magic Poisons Gywerer Patch Crafting Common
Poison Oil: The Blackmire Technique Sarla Blackmire Crafting Common
Poison Recipes Sid Othor Crafting Infernal
Studded for Everyone's Pleasure: Leather Armor Hilby Gillabbi Crafting Leather Common
Stylish Clothes Gilda Highbranch Crafting Clothing Common
The Lost Art of Bowcraft Unknown Crafting Wood Elven
The Uses of a Dead Dragon Claudia Laureen Crafting Common
Understanding Poisons Sid Othor Crafting Infernal
Weaponcrafting Baxter Hilfskan Crafting Common
Working with Steel Droxen Unker Crafting Dwarven
A Childhood for Theodore Hanning Twilight General Common
A Summer on the Sword Coast Fristig Tindarin General Common
Courtly Society in Waterdeep Aerin Pattinston General Common
Dancing Lights of the Sword Coast Garris Martinsen General Common
Don't Forget the Beer! Ruster Bumblesnort General Dwarven
Ancient Motif Vol 1: Human Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Ancient Motif Vol 2: Elf Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Ancient Motif Vol 3: Dwarf Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Ancient Motif Vol 4: Draconic Tomas Thunderfoot II History Common
Designcraft of the Dwarves Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Dragonic Art and Culture Bradfort Luxan History Common
Drow Art and Culture Bradfort Luxan History Common
Eldar Nole: Elf Styles Translated Tom Thunderfoot History Elven
Elf Styles: From Sea to Treetop Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Gnome and Halfling Motif: My Father's Notes Tomas Thunderfoot II History Common
Gnome Art and Culture Bradfort Luxan History Common
Halfling Art and Culture Bradfort Luxan History Common
Human Art and Culture: A Closer Look Bradfort Luxan History Common
Magic in the Forgotten Realms: A History Alastair Trumbuff History Arcana Common
Motifs of Men: Its Only Human Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Motifs of the World Tom Thunderfoot History Common
Stories of Acension Yurri Henew History Arcana Draconic
The Art of Dragons Triloc Daan History Celestial
The Art of the Heavens Triloc Daan History Celestial
The Art of the Hells Triloc Daan History Celestial
Dwarven for Dummies Markkus Stonehaven Language Common
Goblin for Dummies Velk Sliven Language Common
Giant for Dummies O. Saintcloud Language Common
Elven for Dummies V. Valeguard Language Common
Faerun: the North & the Sword Coast Unknown Map Common
The City of Loudwater 1480 Marcus Stembottom Map Common
Waterdeep and Its Surroundings Hertab Drumlend Map Common
Azuth: The Diety Spell Osovar Leolanna Religion Common
Bahamut, We are Your Horde Unknown Religion Draconic
Black Antlers of Misfortune: Book of Beshaba Quarwar Niltum Religion Common
Cheers Garl Glittergold Triblec Puffledome Religion Gnomish
Cyric's Ascension Rainthrow of Waterdeep Religion Common
Death and Myrkul Praiss Triang Religion Common
Deneir Guide My Hand Quincy Witt Religion Common
Eldath's Waterfall Ralf Jayce Religion Common
Flip the Coin, Tymora Idaha Grainsnatch Religion Common
Forever Winter: The Promise of Auril Falxian Tyrcrae Religion Common
Gond's Forge Bunmand Dulmar Religion Common
Grolantor & Skoraeus: Giant Dieties Hohn Gott Religion Common
Gruumsh & Hruggek: Subhuman Dieties Hohn Gott Religion Common
House Lloth Mistress Yun'stra Baenre Religion Undercommon
Ilmater Forever High Priest Erech Religion Common
In the Name of: Bhaal Lorhomim Greg Religion Common
Kelemvor's Rites Nrec Darac Religion Common
Laogzed & Semuanya: Lizard Dieties Hohn Gott Religion Common
Lliira Rejoice Cauton Jack Religion Common
Loviatar and the Gift of Pain Paul Scrain Religion Common
Maglubiyet & Kurtulmak: Sub-Subhuman Dieties Hohn Gott Religion Common
Mielikki, Mielikki Vivon Illustra Religion Crafting Elven
Moradin's Forge Frot Thunderfist Religion Dwarven
Mystra's Teachings Eliminister Religion Common
Oghma Guide My Pen Kersh Harding Religion Common
Oh Helm! High Priestess Mahamn Religion Common
Animals of the Forest Hertab Drumlend Survival Nature Common
Beasts of the Marshland Hertab Drumlend Survival Nature Common
Brewing Superlative Ales Ruster Bumblesnort Survival Dwarven
Butcher's Guide Harris Knowles Survival Crafting Common
Fauna of the Sword Coast Tanathir Welken Survival Crafting Common
Fishing the Swordcoast Abber Peb Survival Nature Halfling
Gardening for Everyone Drixlong Parock Survival Common
Pets of the Forgotten Realms Susie Mitterbans Survival Nature Common
Plainscreatures Hertab Drumlend Survival Nature Common
Schmants of the Schmanting Plane Catherine Kittingsley Survival Common
Seasonal Foraging Perkin Rumbletig Survival Common
Secret Spices Halbed Diourf Survival Halfling
Stews and Pies Halbed Diourf Survival Common
The Basics of Provisioning Hoary Durotzel Survival Common
The Spices of Life Mads Wenrick Survival Common

Flamerule 22,1490: 30% warmer with a strong wind from the east, Rain! 24h for airship to arrive from Nightstone to Redlarch. Arrives at midnight.
Flamerule 23, 1490: Drop off books at the keep and continue on to Nightstone
Flamerule 24, 1490: 10pm arrive at nightstone, find Thor and Diana in the bar.
Flamerule 25, 1490:Traveled to the Mailstrom where we were tricked by giants who wanted to not let us speek with Sarissa. Received a wooden coin with a golden goose on it from Princess Sarissa. Blue Dragon named Lymrith was dscised as an adviser and reverted back to dragon and fled. Returned from Mailstrome
Flamerule 26 - 28, 1490: Daggerford, found secret passage in to the tower at Krom Castle to the southwest of the tower. Found out that the wooden chip is from the Grande Dame owened by Lord Casper Dryland. The boat goes out daily and you must be invited to play. Met the party at the River Shining Tavern and Inn. We decide to infultrate the secret passage into the tower. Found the real lady Morewin and contacted Volwin. He suggested to not excape the way we came in without cover fire because a party will be waiting. He will contact Sir Ristifal. We escaped
Flamerule 29, 1490: 1am Sir Ristofal’s residance Valnar, Volwin, Choady, Kellth arrived. Sir Ristofal is wearing a purple cloke with a dragon on it. Lady Krom must have known about it. The guards at the castle number 15 at most times. Lady Morwin will lead us to the passage to the castle. Made it up 2 floors while Lady Morewin spoke to the guards. They believed her that she had been kidnapped and is now returned and an imposter has been in her place for months. On the third floor the guards did not believe her and a battle insued. The imposter lady Morewin presented herself and showed her true form to be a Succubus, she can fly and does not seem to be damaged by fire. She disappeared and all the guards seem to wake from a spell. While in the study with Lady Morewin Gildas is charmed by the Succubas and summons a Barbed devil. He then summons Hunger of Hadar. Finaly Gildas broke the charm and dropped Hunger of Hadar. The Bearded Devil died at the hand of lady Morewin, the body disapears before we can harvest anything. Moments pass then Thoram begins attacking the party, they damage him and he snappes out of it. Helgret becomes charmed and Diana slaps her out of it. Volwin comes up the stares dressed as a guard and fires 3 lightning arrows at another guard, the guard transforms in to the Succubus and collapses dead on the floor. The body poofs away back to another demintion before it can be harvested. Volwin notifies the party that the Snale has been arrested and that we will be able to keep our keep as the Zyntariem does not know who arrested the Snale. We head back to town to rest. 2am back to the river shining tavern for rest. 11AM visit areas in the town, shopping comences. At the New market hall I bought 2 books (65g) The Lost art of Dwarven Metal working and The Ranges guide to herbs. Kitsune is alerted by 10-12 Uthgar Barbarians, she alerts the group and then the guards. No one seems to care. Gildas killed four townspeople and collapsed a corner of the shanty area of town. We should flee this town now and not come back untill Gildas is not with us. Volwin scolds Gildas and Gildas has to pay 1500 gold for reperations and an appology to be issued to Lady Morwin. We are now in good with the Lords Alliance.
Title Author Primary_Topic Secondary_ Topic Language
The Lost Art of Dwarven Metal Working M. Heavystone Crafting Metal Common
Rangers Guide To Herbs E. Silvertoe Survival Common
Volwin ask for help finding out whats going on in Yartar lords are disappearing. Before that he needs help clearing Negro Muerto (black dragon) from the Lizzard swamp We need to go speak with Zira (bronze dragon to cash in on a favor) she is at the happy cow tavern . Diana and Helgret enter the Happy Cow Tavern to speak with Zira. She informs us that the Negro Muerto is her nemisis and he has blind site, true site, and breathe air and water and can not be harmed by acid (has acid breath) he is an adult dragon.
Flamerule 30, 1490: Plan to A. offer Booze with a barrel of oil included a barrel of oil gifts to Negro Muerto. B. Offer Conch C. Blow shit up. Beryl gives a inspirational speech and Diana gives everyone but herself and volwin inspiration. Arrived at the outskirts of the lizard marsh and found the ruiend city that the dragon has taken as his layer. Diana enters the door and sees lizzard people who she persuades them to let let us offer the whisky to the dragon… they want to try the booze first. They want to know what is in it for them. We leave them one barrel of booze and they grant us passage. We take the cart in to the passage and cross water. We encounter spore like people called Myconid. Beryl approaches them and speaks, they say that the dragon is keeping them. Dianna approaches and it scares them thaty cast spores and al of a sudden Diana can hear a voice in her head, the spores create a telepathic link. They claim that the dragong lets them live there but sometimes eats them. We request an audience, it is granted. He does not like Booze. He does not want the Conch. He does not believe the lies Diana and Gildas spin. We prepare to battle the dragon. Volwin attacks with arrows (74 points ) The dragon presents a fearful presence and Helgret becomes afraid for 1 min. Helgret cast spiritual weapon (form of morningstar of Mya ) and attacks, then cast a lightning strike from her staff of thunder and lightining (25 total). Thor tosses the barrel of oil and it spatters 10 feet from the dragon. Dragon breathes acid breath causing Diana to go unconcious. Beryl heals Diana. The battle continues. Beryl and Thoram both Perrish along with the dragon and many of his minions. RUN! Returned to the inn in Daggerford per Volwins instructions.
Flamerule 31, 1490: Daggorford
** Midsummer is a festival that celebrates love and music through feast. It occurres between Flamerule 30 and Eleasis 1 on the Calendar of Harptos. It is a time when love advances, and its said the deities themselves take a hand to ensure good weather. If bad weather is experienced on this night its considered an extremely bad omen.**
** Shieldmeet occurres the day after Midsummer on leap years.**

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  1. Mirtul 1490
    Mirtul 30, 1490
  2. Flamerule 1490
    Flamerule 30, 1490
  3. Kythorn 1490
    Kythorn 30, 1490