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Mirtul 30, 1490

Mirtul 1490

by Helgret Hammerstone

Mirtul 01, 1490: Arrive Everlund to find our threes and shrubbary speaking with an Eladrin elf druid named Kitsune Amastacia (meaning: Fox Starflower) She joins us for your adventure. Fairwell to Zayla. Travel to Grandfather tree
Mirtul 02, 1490: Arrive at Grandfather Tree. No wind, it is foggy and rainy in the early morning and we cant see the ground. ¼ mile east of destonation we sense a group heading towards us on foot. 12 (1 leader,1 shaman,10 barbarians) Tree ghost barbarians die at our hand. The leader had a magic bow (Oath Bow) that Volwin took as well as 25 gold total. We contenued to the base of the Grandfather tree where wew saw 7 centars that looked sick from some unknown alement. The grandfather tree has restorative powers. Searched the crevises of the tree roots without harming the tree and found a giant electrum u shaped ring that has runes on it that resimble the hill giants runes that were on the wall of the all father. It weighs 25 pounds. I take it and ware it as a belt. We go back to the air ship and decide to check out our keep near Orlbar. It will be 25 hours of travel.
Mirtul 03, 1490: Air travel day. It is cooler. At mid day we see young (20 years old) silver dragon named Daliner. She joins us for a while.
Mirtul 04, 1490: Arrive at Orlbar. We have never been to our keep, it takes us four hours to find out where we need to go. We head west, about 250 yards from the Delinbyer river we find six stone giants taking apart our keep stone by stone. We ask them why they said they were told by Kayalithica (their giant lord) to take apart the little people’s things. We ask them to stop, they did not. So we killed five of them and the sixth escaped. On the bodies we found a total of 6000 gold and 500 gold worth of gems. Our keep is disasimbled down to the base materials. We will need to redesign and rebuild.
Mirtul 05-06, 1490: Traveled to Loudwater to hire a forman for keep’s rebuild and retreive horses.Hired a forman for the rebuild of the keep 20g/day for 15 days. Diana sold stuff while in Loudwater. **note: Telbore Zazerick is the highleader of Loudwater.**
Mirtul 08,1490: Leave for Flint Rock. Left the two trees and shrubbary (Ed, Edd, and Eddie) to guard the keep. It will take 2 days of air travel to reach Flint Rock. Sold 700 gold worth of gems and devided it up amongst ourselves 117 gold each.
Mirtul 09, 1490: Air travel day, hot and humid with no wind.
Mirtul 10, 1490: Arrived at Flint Rock to the spirit mounds of the Elk tribe (we saw 2 elk). We drop in on top of the center mound where the alter is. Detect magic was cast and a faint magic was senced under the alter. We attempted to push the altor over, it did not budge. Thor and Volgrim hit it untill it broke. A 5ft mythral spear tip was found. It was loaded in to the air ship and we set course for Morgur’s Mound via air ship. Travel distance is 225 Miles it should take 26 hours. On the trip we all decide to learn new languages. I will learn Giant from Vlogrim and the date of compleation will be Marpenoth 10 (150 days).
Mirtul 11-12, 1490: Arrive at Morgur’s Mound at noon. The spirit mounds have already been dug in, many holes dot the surface of the mound. After 12 hours of digging Diana finds a magical rope 60 ft in length that weighs 3 lb, he keep digging and Volwin finds a helm that is magical. Keep digging.
Mirtul 13, 1490: Short rest until noon. Volwin finds a gold-plated fire giant tooth when he lifts the tooth from the ground for Thunder beast skeletons burst forth. We killed them all and collected the bones and skull for home décor. Re-board the airship to travel to Ravens Rock, estimated travel time 18 hours is approximately 160 miles. Identified rope as a rope of climbing, identified helm as a Helm of understanding languages, Diana has both.
Mirtul 14, 1490: While traveling to Ravens Rock we decided to upgrade our keep for an additional thirty-five hundred gold pieces, new build time 90 days. Now have 2500 gold pieces in group fund. It will be 25 gold pieces per day to run the household once it is built. 2 p.m. arrived at Ravens Rock. 3 p.m. hike to alter at Raven’s Rock saw four large Ravens circling. 4 p.m. digging at both locations see Ravens find their roosts and watching as it is getting dark, we find a giant Ring that came from the fire Giants. Dig until midnight then we find a giant red dragon thigh bone that is a magic club. Volgrim took both items that were found.
Mirtul 15, 1490: Very early in the pre-dawn we decided to hoist up the ring and thigh bone that were unearthed to the air ship so they could be attuned to while traveling. 2 a.m., ready to leave but Volwin (Ranger) sees 8 wolf-like creatures approaching. We battled and won, 3 werewolves and 5 white wolves were slain in battle. Volgrim skinned all of the wolves and I made jerky with the meat, 60 days of jerky (10 days each) were produced. 8 a.m. Proceeding to Shining White via Air ship it is cold and snowy.
Mirtul 16, 1490: Air travel day, strong winds are against us on our journey. 10 hours will be added to the journey making it 44 hours total till we arrive at Shining White. Spent the day studying and meditating.
Mirtul 17, 1490: 4 a.m., Arrived at Shining White. Wait till first light we see the marble alter and all the surrounding stones have been crushed and this area has been pillaged. Sent scouting party Diana, Volgrim, and Volwin. The scouting party dug beneath the altar and found a painted mask that had been split in two, Diana kept it. They decided to dig for 1-2 hours more. 4 griffins fly in, we slew them. Used the harpoon and barista on the air ship for the first time, effective as long as the enemy stays with in its firing arc. (Kills: Diana x2, Me x1, Volwin x1). Harvested feathers, beaks, talons, and meat. The party members that dealt the killing blows to the griffins have an insatiable craving for horse meat and the Beast of challenge rating 2 or less won’t go near them. Diana tried lesser restoration to no effect, then a greater restoration which makes her feel a little bit less of the craving. We will have to travel to Everlund to see the Wizard at the Teleportation circle, he may have a cure. 10a.m., strong winds and light rain. Expected 34 hours travel to Everlund
Mirtul 18, 1490: Cold, no rain. 8 p.m., Kitsune and Volgrim travel to the Moongleam tower to meet with Krolin Valharrow, instead we met with another mage removed the griffins curse on Volwin, Helgret, and Diana for 250 gp each. Back to the air ship and on to Stone Stand, 12.5 hours of travel expected.
Mirtul 19, 1490: 8a.m, arrive at Stone Stand. Everyone but Diana and I go down to investigate. Kitsune and Volgrim approach the large tree in the center and a ghost appears, both become frightened and try to flee. Diana and I join the group and we disapate the ghost. Another ghost appears, we disapate that ghost. Another ghost apears and possesses me and begins attacking Diana. I am taken down and the ghost leave my body.
Mirtul 20, 1490: 4 a.m., Volgrim and Thor uncover the skull of Gurt, Frost giant lord. It held the ghost.
Mirtul 21-23, 1490: Gave Kabolder, mask, Skull, nose ring, and tooth to the oracle and chose to fight the Stone giants and retrieve their Conch to teleportation to reach the mailstrom.
Mirtul 29 – Kythorn 08, 1490: In Everund, Studied at the Moongleam tower and Library of the Elders reguarding giants and dragons. Had 10 crossbow bolts and 10 arrows dipped in antimentium for a total of 1000 gp. Learned stone giants can enter a medatative state and they have a special ability that post medetation they have tremor sense as well as they can turn to stone using the great stillness ability. They have been raviging the town of Orlbar. Gray vale valley, Deadstone cleft. Deadstone is sacred to the giants, it has a temple dedicated to their god Skoraeus Stonebones. Steinfang is a magical stalactite. Long grand river. Ask for info at gray veil. Teleported to water deep found out that giants have 5 spells and also got 10 more crossbolt bolts dipped in antimentium for 425 gp. Sold cracked horn for 750 gp to go to the party fund. Traded Remorhaz scales for bag of holding. Diana traded her scales for goggles of night. Purchased an immovable rod for 500gp.

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