Mon 13th Sep 2021 11:30

Arrival at Kingsland

by Faithaigh Naamah'Mara

Whoops, I kinda got off the wrong exit...
I first didn't realize at all but when I talked to a few people around here they told me this wasn't even Faerûn. I was playing with the thought of going back to the River Styx and just go down another another few days. But this world is as beautiful as dad's stories always made Faerûn sound like. I think I'll stay a while. Also, the toxins they have here ain't half bad. "Ale", they call it. Wonderful. The people are also really nice to even a Far Traveler. There are even some asking for stories of my journey and youth in hell. Well, I'll have a few stories ready for when I'm asked again. It's as mother always said: "think before you speak."... I miss mom and dad. I wonder how they are doing right now. I hope they are not crying after me, hehe. Anyways, I'll go down and take another bottle of the wonderful beverages they serve here. Father gave me way too much money to spend. I'm off, see ya!

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival at Kingsland
  2. Sparks