Faithaigh Naamah'Mara

Chaotic Good Demonic Tiefling (Far Traveler)
Fighter 1
13 / 13 HP

A very curious Tiefling. She hasn't seen much of the human world yet, and she understands even less of it. Fai scouts for extraordinary people to claim for her soon-to-be adventuring party. Also, she talks to her shadow.

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Other characters
Wed 15th Sep 2021 11:49


by Faithaigh Naamah'Mara

I really danced last night! By that I mean like, the whole night. It was some kind of festival, and I was lying down on the floor late at night, had way too many of those delicious drinks. That was when this mysterious figure reached its hand to me. I took it and with one swift motion I was immediately pulled on my feet. We danced the whole night, laughed and drank even more! The sad part started when I came to this morning. I awoke in a random room. I can think clear now so I think the alcohol started fading, but with the alcohol my memory of my dance partner started also fading. I remember her body, her dance style, her strength.. I do not remember her face or anything else that could lead me to her. Well.. it was a nice evening and I will hold the rest of the memories I have of it dear. Maybe fate brings us together some time again. But now I have to go downstairs. The humans are drinking what they call a "counter beer" and I wanna be part of that! Talk to you later, diary!

Faithaigh's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Arrival at Kingsland
    13 Sep 2021 11:30:23
  2. Sparks
    15 Sep 2021 11:49:45

The major events and journals in Faithaigh's history, from the beginning to today.


I really danced last night! By that I mean like, the whole night. It was some kind of festival, and I was lying down on the floor late at night, had way too many of those delicious drinks. That was when this mysterious figure reached its hand to me. I too...

11:49 am - 15.09.2021

First Rain

Faithaigh experienced rain for the first time. Not many moments had her as happy as she was in that moment. She is determined to experience more curious and weird things in this new world.

11:41 am - 15.09.2021

A paladin, how exquisite. Sit, adventurer, tell me about the goddess that would send such a bright soul like yourself into such a dark place.

11:39 am - 15.09.2021

I found a new favourite tavern, I think I'll stay here for a while... The sight in that tavern, especially when said sight comes over to bring another ale, is more than intriguing, if you know what I mean.

11:20 am - 15.09.2021

Good ol' times in Phlegethos...

09:09 pm - 14.09.2021

A tyrant accepted my request for a duel after I called him names and he wanted to have me killed. I thought he was joking at first, but when he slapped the beautiful bar lady, I knew I had to put him in his place.

11:49 pm - 13.09.2021

Chilling in some bars. Checking people out. Drinking the finest of ales...

11:42 pm - 13.09.2021

Arrival at Kingsland

Whoops, I kinda got off the wrong exit... I first didn't realize at all but when I talked to a few people around here they told me this wasn't even Faerûn. I was playing with the thought of going back to the River Styx and just go down another another f...

11:30 pm - 13.09.2021

I know it wasn't a long time. But I wonder how my mom and dad are doing right now. I never left them for longer than a day...

11:22 pm - 13.09.2021

Let us know when you have, little demon.

11:21 pm - 13.09.2021

Crossed River Styx

Fai managed to cross River Styx. Even though she seemed to have taken the wrong exit. She arrived in Kingsland instead of Faerûn. Allured by the many foreign creatures, sights, colors, and of course intoxicants, she didn't seem to mind staying a while and looking around to find a few extraordinary people to join her on her very own adventure.

11:11 pm - 13.09.2021


Faithaigh leaves her home in Phlegethos, where she lived with her mother, Nemorynoria Naamah'Mara, and her father, Redwald Naamah'Mara (formerly, Redwald Honorsworn), but she leaves with a heartfelt goodbye and on very good terms with her parents. She would return when she found was she was looking for, like her father once did. "And if you do find what you are looking for, let us know, little demon." they said. Determined and with a strong heart, she made her way to Faerun.

10:06 pm - 13.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Faithaigh.

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Other Characters by LamiiaSuu