Wed 15th Sep 2021 11:49


by Faithaigh Naamah'Mara

I really danced last night! By that I mean like, the whole night. It was some kind of festival, and I was lying down on the floor late at night, had way too many of those delicious drinks. That was when this mysterious figure reached its hand to me. I took it and with one swift motion I was immediately pulled on my feet. We danced the whole night, laughed and drank even more! The sad part started when I came to this morning. I awoke in a random room. I can think clear now so I think the alcohol started fading, but with the alcohol my memory of my dance partner started also fading. I remember her body, her dance style, her strength.. I do not remember her face or anything else that could lead me to her. Well.. it was a nice evening and I will hold the rest of the memories I have of it dear. Maybe fate brings us together some time again. But now I have to go downstairs. The humans are drinking what they call a "counter beer" and I wanna be part of that! Talk to you later, diary!

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