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Fri 3rd Dec 2021 06:32

A Break After A Fray

by Cheerful

These are the worst visions I've dealt with in many years. I'm worried and scared. What if the Quell returns while we sleep? I could feel it pulling on my magic. I saw an old one devour a celestial. Then I saw them sever Thazz's connection to his divinity.
But before that, upon entering the Barbed Fields I found a Hawk and asked it for help with finding someone important to Sivrit, a Tiefling woman, the first night is uneventful in large part due to Calry being with us. While travelling - Mortimer leading the way with my help - we came across a small pack of Carcass Eaters, dealt with them quickly but moved on to avoid meeting any other creatures. This is when my visions started getting worse. A time long lost, when the fields were buried under bodies, a winged Celestial standing atop a small mountain faced by some monstrous undead that reaches a hand out as it devours the energy of the Celestial. I watched as the Celestial collapsed to it's knees, and slowly died, then I saw similar, but not as severe, happening to Thazzumlir and Mortimer. This is concerning but I've seen things as bad as this before, although I do pull back from Mortimer and Thazzumlir, Mort reaches out but I'm not comfortable talking about it. ( I should reach out to him, tomorrow, after we've helped Fray.)
A hawk comes down to me to relay that it had found a person matching the description I had sent out the night before, surrounded by dogs, and two white figures about my height. We head off, Heidan does some scouting. During the fight a Quell severs Thazz's divine link. We slay one, and the other becomes immaterial and retreats to safety. Heidan calls out to the hiding person who turns out to be Sivrit's girlfriend. She's lovely, it's nice to have someone I can talk to in Infernal, Fray knew a bit about the monsters we fought, Quells, and in fact had a plan to help heal the Barbed Fields over time. Maybe that'll help stop these visions about Thazz and Mort? Hopefully. We made camp. Fray performed some healing on those of us who were hurt. There's some talk between the group, as I work on earning the trust of the dog I rescued, it's good to have things to distract from the visions sometimes. After the first session with the dog - I think I'll call him Quevven - I returned to my scroll, I need to keep distracted though Mortimer makes that hard sometimes. He... I should talk to him once these visions stop. Oh! I also reached out to Calry just to let her know we're detouring tomorrow to help Fray, she looks drained. I should reach out, she seems lonely. Anyway, I'm tired. It's time to sleep. Fray makes good company. I'm probably gonna sleep awfully, but I better try.

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