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Thu 4th Nov 2021 08:11

The Dragon in the Room

by Cheerful

Travelling with a group is interesting, especially given my condition. Much like last time aboard the Twilight Dream I provided help where possible - in the form of morale boosting and timing keeper. A short time into the first day Jeanne approached me, which was surprising. They struck me as a much more conserved person. Turns out that they're under some mutagenic magical effects, possibly a curse, but it's progressing a lot slower than other similar reports I've encountered in my research upon curse magic. Jeanne appears to be transforming into a half-dragon? I'm unsure on the limits of their specific transformation. Will have to see if my research turns up more. In return I gave them some more information upon my own curse - I don't want to make this group uncomfortable with my past and my burden but they do need to have some idea of what's below my surface, it's a hard balancing act.
The second day, I had a short talk with Sivrit about potentially meeting my siblings in Rosohna, as well as potentially others I know. He's also on the lookout for a former companion and I offered to help see if I can contact or find her. We shall see. Otherwise the second day was somewhat uneventful. Although I didn't find a chance to talk to Heidan. Should look for some time to see if he has any insight to my research on curses.
Upon landing back in Xhorhas, just a short ways from the Barbed Fields, we wandered our way towards Rosohna when Calry ran ahead and around a corner. Swiftly followed by Mort. It turns out Calry's a dragon. That was a surprise, although witnessing the transformation was impressive. So Mortimer is dating a Gold Dragon, it appears, both were a bit cagey about how it came to be. Calry rescued Mort, and then ???. Calry seems... deeply lonely, which I sympathise with although I can't imagine our experiences are incredibly similar but I'd like to think I know how she feels. Will see if I can reach out to both her and Mortimer, as he seems to have some tension about interpersonal situations. For the future however, don't want to press the situation too hard.

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