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Mon 25th Oct 2021 08:37

Olc Skerry

by Cheerful

So, I guess I'll start keeping a journal now I'm travelling. Should give me a good record to use when I write letters home.
I've been in Olc Skerry a few days, at this stage, getting the lay of the land and asking around after Sophie. No one seemed to know much until a couple of days into my stay at the Hag's Brew I bumped into a rather lugubrious figure at the Archives as I was asking Nedris about the nature of curse magic. Heidan, the dour figure, introduced himself and his friend - Jeanne - and it turned out these two were part of a group of explorers who had recently met with Clover. I asked if they'd mind if I tagged along next time they went exploring and Heidan said he'd bring it up with the group, but that due to their recent travels the group was all tired.
Having taken my leave of Nedris, Heidan, and Jeanne, I returned to the Hag's Brew to relax and have some fun - I put on a little music show. During the show a tired looking man entered and chancing my luck I figured he might be a part of the group Heidan had mentioned. Sivrit, his name turned out to be, was indeed part of the group and it seemed Heidan had already mentioned me to him and the others. We had an interesting little conversation about reasons for travelling to such a remote and unforgiving part of the world, my search for Clover and information about magic, his desire to learn something about himself in the wake of not knowing his father. From there Sivrit invited me back to the group's house - or one of them maybe? It was rather cramped - where I had supper, and was then quizzed by Mortimer as to "what's wrong with me" (which promptly earned him a slap from his... partner?) I didn't hide why I had come, althought I didn't give them the full truth - I'm not so gauche as to talk about The Event around a dinner table with relative strangers.
They offered me a place to sleep - for free - for the night, which I took and in the morning we had breakfast and plans were made to travel to Rosohna, after a few local errands were finished up. I offered my guidance around Rosohna, and then tagged along with Mortimer for his errand of setting up a stall and (from what I gathered) selling some plant matter from the Maw to a local.