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Fri 3rd Feb 2023 06:20

Unusual Allies

by Vivienne

The words seized Vivienne's breath in the chest, the weight of them only further burdened by the genuine tone in which they were delivered.
Best friends.
Best friends?
This was wholly unexpected. What does that even mean? Especially coming from a simple man who was likely taken advantage of at every turn in his life. She wasn't taught how to have friends in the syndicate; people were tools, a means to an end, all in various stages of fucking each other over. The spider among roses weaving her web to pull at the strings when needed and cut them loose after their purpose was served. Outside of her little brother, she hardly considered anyone in her life to be her friend, let alone best friend.
A smile crosses her lips, its warmth practiced but perhaps this time a touch more sincere, her reply hopefully securing her a brick house of an ally on this damned boat.

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  1. Unusual Allies
  2. Selene
  3. One Sent, One Burned