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Sat 28th Oct 2023 01:09

One Sent, One Burned

by Vivienne

First, just want to say I’ve got the kiddo and he’s safe with me. We decided to do some traveling together, you know, brother sister bonding. It’s been a while since we got to spend any time together and I had some extra coin, so I figured why not treat him.
Not sure where we’ll end up but I’ll write as often as I can. Things have been pretty typical so far. He’s only gotten on my nerves a few times. I’m making sure he stays out of trouble. We’re heading towards the coast I think to see if we can make it there, you know how obsessed he is with ships. I’ll send along a trinket for Ma if we find anything nice.
I’d tell you not to worry about us but I know that’s a futile attempt. So I guess try not to worry too much, okay?
Love you.

She sets down the quill with a sigh, reading over the words again. Yeah, that sounded convincing enough. Vivienne stuffs the letter into an envelope and seals it with blood red wax, writing her parents’ address on the outside. Surely there’s a post office at this port, and if not she’d just have to look for one wherever they end up next. Either way, she hopes this will keep them from trying to find her and her brother. The last thing she needed was them interfering with…whatever it is they find themselves doing now, far too dangerous work to get them involved.
The ruse would only work for so long, she assumes, with how intelligent their father is, but maybe this would buy them some time.
Vivienne goes to put away the ink and paper but pauses, brow furrowing as she stares down at the blank page. She slowly dips the quill again.
Sweet Moon,
You wouldn’t fucking believe what I’m doing right now, you know. And, by the way, it’s nothing like the stories. Being a pirate is grueling, filthy, cutthroat, exhausting work. Especially when you’re forced into it.
It’s nothing like you dreamed of, either. I’m not your first mate, sailing into sunsets and raiding idiot travelers with you. I’m the captain of a crew filled with chucklefucks that have about as much knowledge of what they’re doing as I do, which is to say, fuck all. No one tells you being in charge of people would suck so much.
I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore, Selene. Part of me wants to take this and run with it, and I know I could, someday this could be my legacy. But right now I feel like I’m barely treading water.
I hope you’re doing better than me. I hope you’re living your dream as the gorgeous bard that you are, on a fancy ship, eating weird food and bedding all the nobles that won’t notice their coin purses missing ‘til it’s too late. Or something like that.
Miss you.
Your Violet

Vivienne stares at the words, reading them over and over again until they’re nothing but shapes swimming in her vision. She shakes her head and frowns, carding her fingers through her hair. For a long time there is silence in her quarters, no scratching of pen on paper, just her contemplative breathing.
She takes the letter and folds it up neatly before holding it over the flame of the candle she was writing by, tendrils of fire immediately taking to the page. The light reflects in her piercing eyes as she watches it burn, words never spoken turning to ash on the desk.

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  1. Unusual Allies
  2. Selene
  3. One Sent, One Burned