The Book of Fallen Leaves - Dancing Owl by Felix Reginald Katzenberg | World Anvil
Wed 8th Feb 2023 06:42

The Book of Fallen Leaves - Dancing Owl

by Felix Reginald Katzenberg Katzenberg

My dreams were always very intense but since the Owl, Tiune visited they have been even more vivid, yet each morning I wake and they fade to mists and shadows immediately. The wisps I've jotted down or managed to remember makes me think that I am glimpsing fragments of past lives as I travel the world of dreams. This was practically confirmed after I healed Nezree that first time. That night I dreamt and I remembered the last moments of a life that was mine yet not mine.

Fukurō Odoru:
Oduoru knelt on knees that creaked mightily moving through the careful ritual of the tea ceremony. She felt cold, though she knew the servants had the fires stoked and the room was uncomfortable to most others. Her blood did not flow as well as it once did, not after a century of life. She heard the slightest creak of a floorboard and knew they had come for her. Misguided children of the spider they had only to wait and their goal would be fulfilled. The black robed figures came stealing into the back of the room behind her as she finished the tea Ceremony and everything slowed to a crawl. Odoru ignored the aches of her body and stood and spun throwing out her hands sending two blades etched with the patterns of an owls feather whispering across the room toward two of the figures. she breathed a prayer and the air was filled with spider orchids as the Shi no Hanna began to suffer in field of flowers damaging their very life force. She hated using her gifts this way but this threat needed to be dealt with so her successor did not fall to these agents. Things started to return to normal speed when she spoke another prayer just in time as a spider silk garrote tried to slip over her throat but passed harmlessly through her ghostly form. The assassin look into her large jade colored eyes with surprise as she smiled a serene smile and cupped the cloth covered face in an intangible hand for a moment. The assassin seem confused by the serenity her saw there. the others were writhing under the damaging filed of floating orchids. The Shi No Hana agent did not see the temple guardian. The Nio statue step silently down from its pedestal to stand behind the would be assassin and suddenly clutch it's throat with one large bronze hand.
i moments the last of them had expired. Odoru spoke prayers of passage and their bodies , clothes and equipment fell to dust. They would be spun out into the wheel once more. The Nio had returned to is perch and she looked out at the tranquil garden. It was time. She knew the next life would be an eventful one she had been reading the portents for years. Powers were tugging at the strands of fate and trying to shape the weave. No matter what the next life would be interesting. She stepped out into the garden and her step felt light for the first time in decades. A sudden breeze blew through the garden and a swirl of wisteria petals and silver-white feathers blew up over the roof and out across the mountainside leaving no sign of the Honored Mother Dancing Owl.
So know I know I have face the likes of the Shi No Hanna before. I need to remember to share this with Denn, maybe she can shed more light on these fellows. It is not coincidence that I run across them once again

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