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Sun 21st Apr 2024 07:06

Three Days Post Deaths

by The Viscountess Elinor Sterling

This morning, I broke my fast in solitude, a circumstance that stirred within me a disquietude. My appetite, scarce as it has been of late, fails to reclaim its usual vigor. Days have passed in a haze of arrangements, the weighty burden of funeral preparations pressing upon me with an unexpected gravity. The intricacies and demands of organizing funerals have proven far more burdensome than I had anticipated. The demands of business, too, clamor incessantly for attention, leaving scant moments for respite.
The affairs of the bank, a source of no small concern, linger heavy upon my mind. I am left to trust in the diligence of others, praying that matters proceed favorably in my absence.
My mother, consumed by her sorrow, has withdrawn from all company, including mine. I do not fault her for this retreat, I expect it shall be some time before she emerges from the shadow of her grief.

Oh, how acutely I feel the absence of my brother.
- E

Continue reading...

  1. Three Days Post Deaths
  2. A Decision Made
  3. Letters...
  4. Blooming in Friendship
    26th August 813
  5. The Journal Entry’s title
  6. Storybook Beginnings
    27th August 813
  7. A Season of Change
    1st September 813