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Mon 27th May 2024 07:18


by The Viscountess Elinor Sterling

This morning began in the usual manner with Dove arriving in my quarters early with correspondence from Owen, as well as the Blumetts. Troubling news awaited me. One of our ships was battered against some coastal rocks during the recent storms amd upon inspection is unusable in its current state. This is going to severely cut down production, especially after the days that were lost due to the hurricane. This represents a major blow to the mining operations, but I was not put into this position merely because of my name. I sent ahead a missive to Owen with ideas on how to get our production running again at full capacity. It is my hope that one of these measures will mitigate the impact on our bottom line.
Dominic was nearly unbearable this morning at breakfast. I cannot understand the reasoning behind his behavior towards the staff as of late. Given our closeness in age, he should recall the times when our family lacked the wealth and titles we now enjoy. I spoke with him on the matter, but as usual, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears, and he appeared to mock my concerns instead.
Mother and I received an invitation from the Blumetts for tea, as well as an opportunity to stay the night at their estate. I have little to say about this. If it were my option I would reject the invitation. I possess no interest in discussing perfumes and lace and even less in discussing suitors. Nonetheless, we have an image to uphold, and the family’s future takes precedence over my personal inclinations.
I am resigned to accept my fate. With Davinor no longer here to continue on our line of the family, the responsibility falls on me. While the Sterlings would endure through Nicolas and Dominic, I cannot bear to add to my mother's sorrow by refusing to marry.
I will take part in this societal game. I do not care to lose.
I must send out a letter in haste, hopefully ahead of my mother’s, to accept…
I saw Davinor again today. Perhaps these strange apparitions are merely a result of stress. Or have I gone well and truly mad?

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