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27th August 813

Storybook Beginnings

by The Viscountess Elinor Sterling

It always seems that once I make a decision, the universe decides to come through and make a mess of things.
I awoke to a knock on my door, at much too early an hour considering the time I was finally able to retire last night after drinks in the Blumett den. Thinking that it would be Dove or some other member of staff, I answered in my house coat and was quite shocked to see Lady Dahlia. To say I made a fool of myself during our conversation is an understatement to be sure. She was there to invite me to take in the sunrise together.
With Dove nowhere to be seen considering the hour, Lady Dahlia was kind enough to lend her own lady’s maid to my albeit fruitless cause. She managed to get me presentable in enough time to join Lady Dahlia on horseback. We rode along the grounds, through acres and acres of rolling hills and bountiful orchards. The fruit from these trees is some of the most delectable that I have had the chance to try. Finally we arrived at the hilltop she had spoken of, a picnic breakfast awaiting us.
It felt like something out of a storybook. It is also making my intentions of creating distance between myself and the Blumett heir very difficult. I feel so out of my depth with her, but I just want to keep wading deeper and deeper. Goddess help me and my resolve.

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  1. Three Days Post Deaths
  2. A Decision Made
  3. Letters...
  4. Blooming in Friendship
    26th August 813
  5. The Journal Entry’s title
  6. Storybook Beginnings
    27th August 813
  7. A Season of Change
    1st September 813