16th of Cizek, 532

Friends over Duty?

by Stheiasnia al Coatl

I should most likely found time in my busy schedule tomorrow to visit the library and inquire about those giant mosquito, so they won't get a jump on me next time.
At less I can relax knowing that the party is capable of dispatching enemies, while still protecting their team mates.
It also sound like I may have misjudge Jerry, who seemly still blame himself for the events in the Forge or was his frustration caused by the stress of almost losing another team mate?
Also where did his mount go?
Now to more important questions like: Who amongst the group understood the importance of keeping me safe?
As my death would surely be a great lose, not only for the party, but also the world
I can already based on Seto reaction rule him out and yet I must admit finding his remark about me being Yuki pet funny.
Speaking of Yuki, did he for moment stop to consider that, the Blue Dragon could be deceiving him and was luring him/others into a trap?
Regardless I still had the foresight to lend Yuki one of my coins, so the remaining party could inform Toto about a possible trap and potentially rescue the others.
I would be remised if, I didn't mention the fact that, the instructor ability to detect me wasn't his skill, but merely as I already surmise a fluke from my side.

Continue reading...

  1. Arriving in Toto
    14th of Cizek, 532
  2. Peasant work
    15th of Cizek, 532
  3. Friends over Duty?
    16th of Cizek, 532
  4. Thank you sis
    16th of Cizek, 532
  5. The Fight Club
    16th of Cizek, 532
  6. An unexpected victor
    16th of Cizek, 532
  7. The quest for freedom begins
    17th of Cizek, 532
  8. Complex or badly designed bow
    18th of Cizek, 532
  9. End of a dream
    18th of Cizek 532
  10. The Shapeshifter
    18th of Cizek 532
  11. The wheel of hate
    18th of Cizek 532
  12. The other exit
    19th of Cizek 532
  13. Return of Yuki
    19th of Cizek 532
  14. Return of Aunty
    20th of Cizek 532