Stheiasnia al Coatl
The Pale Princess

Lawful Evil Yuan-Ti Pureblood ()
Phantom 16
147 / 147 HP

Arrogant, Narcissistic and Proud.

Campaign & Party

20th of Cizek 532

Return of Aunty

by Stheiasnia al Coatl

I can only surmise that Zhi either blames me for Yuki current condition or the hatred towards Yuan-ti (misplaced as it is) runs deep in the Blue Dragon tribe.
Doesn't she understand that seeing Yuki like this hurts me and that I won't nothing more than seeing him restore to his former self, so I can present mother.
Could Kit death have been the cause of Aunty white hair?
Even so that doesn't explain her brown tan and what relationship would Aunty and this Kit have to cause Aunty hair to go white?
Hopefully the other's won't think ill of me for staying behind in Toto to keep an eye on Yuki, unless Daichi exile me for falling his son.

Stheiasnia's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Arriving in Toto
    14th of Cizek, 532
  2. Peasant work
    15th of Cizek, 532
  3. Friends over Duty?
    16th of Cizek, 532
  4. Thank you sis
    16th of Cizek, 532
  5. The Fight Club
    16th of Cizek, 532
  6. An unexpected victor
    16th of Cizek, 532
  7. The quest for freedom begins
    17th of Cizek, 532
  8. Complex or badly designed bow
    18th of Cizek, 532
  9. End of a dream
    18th of Cizek 532
  10. The Shapeshifter
    18th of Cizek 532
  11. The wheel of hate
    18th of Cizek 532
  12. The other exit
    19th of Cizek 532
  13. Return of Yuki
    19th of Cizek 532
  14. Return of Aunty
    20th of Cizek 532

The major events and journals in Stheiasnia's history, from the beginning to today.

Aunty unpetrified

Jun free Aunty and the fairy from their stone prison.

09:54 am - 06.04.2021

Return of Aunty

I can only surmise that Zhi either blames me for Yuki current condition or the hatred towards Yuan-ti (misplaced as it is) runs deep in the Blue Dragon tribe. Doesn't she understand that seeing Yuki like this hurts me and that I won't nothing more than s...

09:34 am - 06.04.2021

Return of Yuki

So lava doesn't kill Seto, which means we don't have to worry the next Seto takes a swim in the lava, which hopefully will be keep to a minim thanks to items found in the mountain and Yuki finally be back amongst the living, do we should most likely do so...

07:59 pm - 04.04.2021

Yuki is revived

We manage to wake the spirit of the mountain, who revives Yuki.

10:56 am - 04.04.2021

The other exit

Good thing the forged had 2 "safe" room to sleep in, else this entire fight would have been pointless as, the forged is a dead end and was empty except for a hammer no one can lift. I don't think setting another free unto the world is a good idea but, ...

04:23 pm - 29.03.2021

The wheel of hate

I understand Zhi reaction to Sakura wanting to feed the duergars, but she needs to understand that we already killed those people responsible for Yuki and those 2 duergars are innocent, else she will one day find herself standing on a mountain of corpse a...

10:30 am - 27.03.2021

The Shapeshifter

Who is this Primus that Yuki have a connection to? And will this connection really allow us to bring him back? Is this Jun who help us in the fight against the giants trustworthy? They could impersonate any of us with only their smell giving them away...

04:21 pm - 19.03.2021

End of a dream

I can't believe Yuki died without anyone trying to save him. Jerry could have healed him, Seto could have gotten Zhi back on her feet or at less attempted to stop his bleeding and yet once again I find myself unable to save those I care about. Guess fin...

11:22 pm - 08.03.2021

Hope lost

Yuki's death extinguish Stheiasnia last hope of ever been forgiven.

04:55 pm - 08.03.2021

Trust only oneself

I can't believe Yuki died without anyone trying to save him. Jerry could have healed him, Seto could have gotten Zhi back on her feet or at less attempted to stop his bleeding and yet once again I find myself unable to save those I care about. Guess tha...

04:51 pm - 08.03.2021

A very complex bow

Sasaki-sama and Zhi dependency of light is troublesome, as the light from Zhi hat gives away her and Sasaki-sama position. Luckily Seto seem able to redirect the enemy attack intended for Sasaki-sama to Yuki, who seems better build to handle a beating th...

12:16 pm - 05.03.2021

Creation of Shadow-glamoured armor

Jerry manage with Stheiasnia and Sasaki-sama help to combine Stheiasnia Glamoured and Shadowstalker armor.

11:31 am - 05.03.2021

The quest for freedom begins

We are finally working on what really matters, freeing Aunty and Mary (pretty sure Jerry refer to the fairy by that name) from their stone prisons. Hopefully our preparation for departing Toto will be enough to ensure everyone safety, granted the extra r...

10:11 am - 05.03.2021

An unexpected victor

The final round of the fight club offers some unexcepted/entertaining moments, like example the young Sasaki-sama display of magical talent. Which ability to manipulate time, surround herself in a protective aura and the questionable decision to summon a...

12:26 pm - 03.03.2021

The Fight Club

This fight club thingy have been a very valuable experience, as I learned a lot about myself and the others. [b]Jerry[/b] is a powerful opponent, yet his low mobility and lack of long ranged weapon makes him an easy opponent for anyone capable of attac...

12:27 pm - 02.03.2021

Thank you sis

I'm gonna have to thank [b]Quetz[/b] the next time I'm home, since all her "lessons" about enlightenment most likely helped me pass the Void Ring test. I also find her mediation techniques useful for calming myself and thereby calmly reflect upon events...

09:59 am - 02.03.2021

Friends over Duty?

Seems the party was capable of dispatching the enemies without must help from me and it seems that, I may have misjudge Jerry who either hit those rocks out frustration over "falling" to protect another party member or maybe the "lose" of Aunty still both...

09:46 am - 15.02.2021

Peasant work

The day began very well considering no one finding my sleeping courter and I therefor wouldn't have to fear been assassinated in my sleep. I also feels that my walking on hands and getting on the chair stunt showed Yuki, Zhi and the bodyguards that, I'm ...

09:49 am - 11.02.2021

Arriving in Toto

I arrived outside Toto today with [b]Yuki[/b] and his escort. Here we eventually meet the people, who later would be assigned by [b]Daichi [/b] to be mine and Yuki and I bodyguard as, Daichi surely knew just looking ad me, that I was was above the common...

10:58 am - 10.02.2021

Stheiasnia al Coatl Tattoo

Stheiasnia al Coatl receives a tattoo depicting her encounter with the Oni and the aftermath.

10:47 am - 09.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Stheiasnia.