15th of Cizek, 532

Peasant work

by Stheiasnia al Coatl

The day began very well considering no one finding my sleeping courter and I therefor wouldn't have to fear been assassinated in my sleep.
I also feels that my walking on hands and getting on the chair stunt showed Yuki, Zhi and the bodyguards that, I'm not just some helpless princess who require their protection all time.
Else my disposing of the creature currently attacking Sakura will most like convince them of my greatness.
Speaking of the bathhouse, what was Yuki thinking by ordering a princess to do peasant work?
Yet being the generous person I am, didn't complain about it and did instead go ahead with the work, while still finding time to maintain my gorgeous body.
I will granted the Shinobu school instructor the honor of teaching me, as his detection of my present most likely comes down to either me getting excited (revealing my present to him) or unintentionally making a sound and not him actually been skilled enough to detect someone as great as I.

Continue reading...

  1. Arriving in Toto
    14th of Cizek, 532
  2. Peasant work
    15th of Cizek, 532
  3. Friends over Duty?
    16th of Cizek, 532
  4. Thank you sis
    16th of Cizek, 532
  5. The Fight Club
    16th of Cizek, 532
  6. An unexpected victor
    16th of Cizek, 532
  7. The quest for freedom begins
    17th of Cizek, 532
  8. Complex or badly designed bow
    18th of Cizek, 532
  9. End of a dream
    18th of Cizek 532
  10. The Shapeshifter
    18th of Cizek 532
  11. The wheel of hate
    18th of Cizek 532
  12. The other exit
    19th of Cizek 532
  13. Return of Yuki
    19th of Cizek 532
  14. Return of Aunty
    20th of Cizek 532