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Thu 4th May 2023 08:47

The Fighting Circle

by Luna

This day has been full of activity. We spent the morning shopping and exploring. When evening fell the fighting matches began for the festival. We joined the fights. I didn't really want to but everyone seemed so excited, I couldn't help but be caught up in the excitement. The battles were difficult. Our other team was amazing. They took on the Luxodon team and won! We also won, but our battle was more of a fight. Without a really beefy person to protect us, we had a tougher fight on our hands. Still, it was fun and I haven't had fun in a very long time. I look forward to the time I am to share with these wonderful people I've met.

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  1. Travel to the Festival
    6th of Nariza, 795 AC
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
  3. The Fighting Circle
  4. The Journal Entry’s title
  5. Luna's Journey
    10th of Satta, 795 AC