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6th of Nariza, 795 AC

Travel to the Festival

by Luna

The journey to the festival was quite pleasant. Most of the time we were enjoying the countryside and open skies. I did notice that our gracious host, Tobias the Leonin, is not treated like the other members of the caravan. He often travels quite a bit apart from the others. They do not include him in the nightly preparations or libations. Instead he is left to fend for himself. It seems a trifle unfair to me but it is not my place to dictate what must be done.
There was a bit of trouble with some savage kobolds but we managed to fend them off. Tobias was severely injured and some of the others sustained injuries too. I managed to get away without so much as a scratch. There was one thing. In the aftermath of the fight, one of the dead kobold stirred and rose again. It came straight for me and as it did, my hair rose up in front of me to keep it away. It acted of its own accord, protecting my from what seemed like a threat. My hair ripped it apart and it died once more. This time it did not rise again. I don't know why my hair came to life but I am glad for it. I wonder if I can do that again.
After a bit more travel we came to a path cutting through a dense forest. It was so dark beyond the path that nothing was really visible. Only the path ahead was lit by the sun overhead. There came a point in our travel through the forest when it abruptly ended and opened up into a large sunlit clearing. The sun was starting to set at that point in the day and the orange hues of the setting sun were awash through the clearing. As we entered we saw throngs of MyrRin of all kinds. Lovely smells of various foods permeated the air. The noise of hundreds of happy comrades buzzed through the air. As we moved through the clearing, I noticed the lamps being lit all around us to chase away the encroaching shadows. The lizard captain with us touched the sacred stone but luckily no one saw us. Drexla is having a hard time. I am unliked by some but I am lucky that the MyrRin as kind to me at best and at worst indifferent. Unfortunately she is fae and unloved by all. Everyone across all the lands despise fae and demons more than anything else.
As the night wound down some of us went off on their own but I stayed with the wagon to keep the space and a few others stayed with me. Together Bogbean, Bricky and I set up a camp next to the cart and began to wind down for the night. We relaxed by the fire and enjoyed the ambient sounds of other nearby vendors also breaking down for the evening. Overall, it was a lovely first day among the MyrRin. I cannot wait for the main events to start and see if I recognize any of the competitors.

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  1. Travel to the Festival
    6th of Nariza, 795 AC
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
  3. The Fighting Circle
  4. The Journal Entry’s title
  5. Luna's Journey
    10th of Satta, 795 AC