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10th of Satta, 795 AC

Luna's Journey

by Luna

Dear Journal,
The journey itself was not bad, but I kept hearing strange sounds from the boxes below when we bedded down for the night. I resolved to spend as much time above deck as I could. The crew members have been more than a little bit curious about me but have not pushed much. They ask questions but I do not always answer. They only know that I am traveling for the festival and that I needed discreet passage. I have my suspicions about what kind of vessel this is but if they do not ask too many questions, then neither shall I. There was a bit of a commotion as we neared our destination but thankfully, no one was injured and the captain managed to keep the peace.
The captain followed us from the docking area. I thought we would separate but he has traveled with us as we were herded to a delicious food cart by a towering Leonin male. Their size is quite impressive. His cooking skills were superb to me, but then again I have been living on hard tack since we boarded. Food has always been scarce so this bounty seems to me like a feast. We have all agreed to travel with the Leonin to the festival and I look forward to such an invigorating journey. It is so refreshing to be amongst individuals that do not abhor me. If anything people are much more kind and welcoming here than anywhere else. It has only been a little while since I've been to this continent but I cannot wait to see the festival once more. Perhaps some of my favorite competitors will appear this year!

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  1. Travel to the Festival
    6th of Nariza, 795 AC
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
  3. The Fighting Circle
  4. The Journal Entry’s title
  5. Luna's Journey
    10th of Satta, 795 AC