Fri 30th Apr 2021 08:40

A Little Trouble

by Casseus Mal

What the fuck is wrong with me?! I am going to white knight myself to death. This time it was Chica. The walls are thin and I could hear her crying, so being a meathead, I went to comfort her. I held her for a while and she finally told me that she was sad because she had seen me gawk at Xsosa and Mel, but that she must be ugly because she hadn't caught me gawking at her.
I explained that I DO find her beautiful, and I do indeed gawk at her, but just like when I do it to Mel or Xsosa, I don't let them catch me because it's rude to gawk. I felt like an asshole because, Chica is obviously interested in me and I failed to notice.
Anyway, I sheltered her in my arms and we went to sleep, and continued snuggling in the morning. She was sad because she is afraid Xsosa is going to take it badly that we spent the night together. I told her that due to our training, we can't be possessive. Possessiveness leads to jealousy, Jealously leads to anger and anger leads to suffering, so in order for me to be in a relationship with anyone, I couldn't be possessive of them and could only appreciate our time together, and Xsosa feels the same. So, I said to her, if she can live with the fact that I cannot be possessed nor possess anyone, we could have a relationship, I could be her boyfriend. She said she'd like to try that.
Force guide me! Now I have two girlfriends and a love interest! Maybe I should set my blaster to stun and shoot myself in the crotch.