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13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.


by Ikep

I began towards the Great Glade with these strangers in an attempt to find answers to what happened and/or clear our names. On the way, we came across a huge expanse of clear-cut forest on the edge of the Western Deepwoods. They must have greatly increased the rate of cutting since I was last in the area. I saw a machine heading toward the Deepwoods, away from the city, off in the distance. I confronted the vehicle, and would have dismantled it if it hadn't stopped. The man operating the machine was simply a worker doing his job in order to feed his family. I was, however, very angry and yelled at him a great deal. I let him be, but as I approached and was about to dismantle the saw blades from the front of the machine, Hattori got in my way. He convinced me to leave it be, as we are already in trouble for whatever we have been framed for, and it would only make things worse. That made sense. I am thankful for his actions; what he said helped me rethink the best course of action. While I am disappointed that that machine went on to cut more trees, I believe it to have been the smartest choice. Makatza cared little for the damage done to the Deepwoods' ecosystem. We continued toward the Great Glade.

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  1. I've made an enemy...
    12th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  2. Clearcutting
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  3. Into the Great Glade
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  4. The Inventor's Fair
    14th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.