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13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

Into the Great Glade

by Ikep

The three of us entered the city, getting past the gate guards. Apparently word has spread quickly and there are wanted posters hung all over the city. They are offering an exorbitant sum of gold for our capture and for some reason the bounty on my head is larger than the other two. We were starting to navigate into the city when we came across a very suspicious character. He was offering help but didn't offer much information up front. We followed him, and while he did help us stay away from the guards or others looking to claim the bounty, I still can't say I trust his motives.
He is offering for us to complete a task for him in exchange for assisting us with our current dilemma. He also knows some things about the Sky Pirates and may be able to help us figure out why the Sky Pirate had interest in us.
I just hope we can figure out what is going on and clear our names.
Side Note: I need to determine a way for Kahu to pass through teleportation effects without complication. I'm not sure how he would have interacted with the teleportation effect today, but the situation didn't provide a safe opportunity to test it.

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  1. I've made an enemy...
    12th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  2. Clearcutting
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  3. Into the Great Glade
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  4. The Inventor's Fair
    14th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.