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14th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

The Inventor's Fair

by Ikep

Things at the inventor's fair went completely sideways. Hattori had taken hostage a young man who I had spoken to earlier in the evening. I really didn't want it to end in force but in all fairness to Hattori, nothing was seemingly working and we were running out of options. In the end, I am glad the Bureau won't have their hands on the device, because I genuinely do not trust those shady, shameless businessmen.
Raal seemed to be unbothered by our suggestion of destroying the device, so we proceeded with that course of action. I still don't fully trust his motives or those of his compatriots, but so far they seem to be acting in favour of nature and against these ecosystem-destroying scum.
I feel like this device could do immense good, but I don't think any group of individuals could be trusted enough to use it for purely positive means. It is unfortunate to see something like this get destroyed, but I ultimately think it was the best option.
Additionally, on the way to an inventor's fair, we stopped a terrorist after he blew up a shop in the Mere District. I believe he was a part of the Arcan Purists, a group of eco-terrorists. From what I have heard, and now witnessed, their methods are appalling and needlessly violent against innocent people. The guards took him and we continued off after Hattori convinced him his wife was in labour... These new companions of mine continue to intrigue me.

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  1. I've made an enemy...
    12th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  2. Clearcutting
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  3. Into the Great Glade
    13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.
  4. The Inventor's Fair
    14th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.