This is where the fun begins. by Gael | World Anvil

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2nd of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

This is where the fun begins.

by Gael Aurer

Today is the day I was waiting for. Although turns out they found me instead of finding them myself, which lead to a few interesting circumstances.
I was enjoying a little break from walking, using what little shade I could find to use as an excuse to draw Z yet again. They have been a great travelling companion since Fern gave them to me, but its getting quite boring drawing the same thing over and over again.
Of all people, it was actually Virdan that found me, although he had guidance by someone... unexpected... a sprite named Trill that he seems to look to for guidance. He was funny though, as soon as I saw him he dove into a bush and introduced himself as Jerris. Then the rest of the group showed up.
After a few quick introductions I had already learned a few things. First was that Loraelsia seemingly goes by Ael, nobody used her full name yet, so I need to keep quiet about that. Heart of the Thistle also just goes by Thistle, I was expecting Heart to be honest, but assumptions are often dangerous in many lines of work. What surprised me the most though was Charlotte, and how she looks physically drained. I'm curious what did that since my notes on her do not include anything about her being physically weak.
The pleasantries were cut short sadly since when Thistle went to check on something, she was ambushed by a group of bandits that got the drop on us and surrounded some kind of caravan the rest of the group these five were travelling with. Many Drow which is interesting. But as they are heading in the direction of the Dynasty, not too shocking. We got into a fight with the bandit group, we left most of them alive but one of them did lose their life which sent a message that we were serious.
We made sure they werent going to follow us, took some magical pipes that one of them had, and left them to their own devices.
Tonight did leave me with a few interesting conversations. During my watch with Thistle I made it known that I know shes hiding things from the group. I don't intend to reveal it to everyone else, I'm not one to stir the pot since I'm still new to this whole group. Turns out she keeps it a secret because she's afraid of everyone around her turning her away and hating her because shes a 'half-breed' as she so eloquently put it. She does seem to be mad at me, but in fairness, I did reveal I know her secrets and that she is hiding the truth from everyone around her. It's understandable that she feels this way.
The talk with Loraelsia was very helpful to both myself and her, as she informed me that everyone is on the run from the Volstrucker because they stopped an assassination attempt on Viertree. So now I know why the group got together, and we also helped her understand the fundamentals of magic. She seemed responsive to the whole thing which is good progress! Maybe soon she will have a bit more control of her magical powers.
Camp is just starting to get up soon, but if you are able to read this Fern, and I have no doubt you are capable of doing so, I'm certain all of this is not news to you.

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  1. This is where the fun begins.
    2nd of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  2. Triumphs and confessions
    4th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  3. Sour Tastes
    6th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  4. "Home" Stretch
    10th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.