Triumphs and confessions by Gael | World Anvil

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4th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

Triumphs and confessions

by Gael Aurer

The past few days have been quite the experience. The day after I was introduced the rather interesting individuals and their rather unexpected traveling group we stumbled upon some rather fun discoveries. In what was some kind of cellar in the ruins of a town there was a large group of rats and some snakes. Normally, This would be enough reason to close the cellar back up and ignore it all, but Panlo saw something of note in one of the barrels that was inside the cellar, so we all deemed it worth our time to investigate. After utilizing some of my magic to summon a floating platform to allow Panlo to avoid stepping on any of the animals on the floor and some additional support from Charlotte and Virdan, he managed to pull out a cache of stored magical items that could prove quite useful. What concerns me about the chain of events leading up to the discovery though, is that during a conversation with Charlotte, I told her that the only information that I had regarding them all was their names and what they looked like. I told a lie. And the reason why eludes me.
The next day we made some good progress towards Grimgolir but there was a snag. We stumbled upon some hunting grounds, and I had intended to use one of my rituals to see if there were any hunters nearby, but with Thistle’s insistence of moving closer to a hunter’s blind before casting the ritual lead to Viertree’s leg getting hurt by a bear trap. It didn’t take too long for us to come across a hunting lodge that we could stop by and ask for help. Inside we met a woman named Louise and after some discussion with everyone in the group, we came to the conclusion of dropping an illusion spell that we had put on us to keep our identities hidden from those following the group. During this time I revealed my lie to Charlotte and showed her all the information I have on her and apparently she is searching for her brother. She doesn’t know who he is, and I didn’t get a name, but if she wants any information on him, I told her that you would help me.

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