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Sat 22nd Oct 2022 04:31

#3: Searching the Scorched Savanna

by Kai Raito

Tracks are discovered leading South from the massacred caravan site. After following them until they dispersed, the group is left with now no leads, as the stolen cart trails and large creature tracks fade into the sand.
Arthur through some clever use of detect magic, notices that there is some magic at play. Illusionary magic is coating the tracks, where group begins to follow these into the dark desert.
The trail is followed until the coming of the next dawn, where the group begins to set up a makeshift camp using javelins, bedrolls, and rope.
During the 3rd watch a glint is seen in the distance, it seems to be coming from a very fast-moving creature, perhaps someone riding it. Sho and Kai go to investigate to no success. They head back to camp after a few hours.

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  1. #1: Gul-Dratum's Distress
  2. #2: The Missing Caravan
  3. #3: Searching the Scorched Savanna