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Sat 22nd Oct 2022 02:11

#1: Gul-Dratum's Distress

by Kai Raito

Gul-Dratum's gates to the inner city are closed. There has been a burglary of the keep and the culprits are still at large.
Kai, Sho, and a few newly met individuals decide to investigate this matter further after discussing it at the Rat & Dagger Inn.
However, they run into trouble with a few thugs in the streets of the lower district. Getting into a conflict when they suggested that we pay them a sum of money.
After disposing of the thugs, the group goes into the sewers to attempt to find a way into the inner city, but a maze of a sewer-system gets the group lost around in an unknown direction. Eventually hearing a noise that is found to be from an Undead source. After the battle with the thugs, the group decides to avoid another combat with potential undead and get out of the sewers back the way they came.
Upon exiting they are greeted by First Paladin Deacon, who interrogates the group about the mess left out in the district and the dead thug bodies. The group explains the situation and is let off the hook with the condition that they look into the missing caravan in the desert to the Southeast.

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