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General Life

by Elias Dumont

Tommy liked to travel. I had never really travelled before, Father valued the village too much to leave for long. I enjoy the lifestyle. Travelling through the woods let me explore and love the variety of life.
Tommy would go into cities sometimes. I never quite got used to the loud streets so I stayed out in the woods, hunting. He'd always come back with new clothes and equipment.
Tommy taught me to run. He had been chased out of many cities by armed men. He claimed that they were part of a criminal organisation, they didn't like the quality of the pelts.
I got used to hunting. Life is a circle, the death of these animals can be respected if I use as much as possible.
Tommy and I were on the road when we spotted a family. They looked poor and ill. We took pity on them and kept our distance, as to not invoke fear or to catch their diseases. A zombie emerged from the woods and attacked the family. Tommy ran ahead and disabled it enough for me to land my arrow. The family were safe and grateful. They attempted to pay us with their last coins, I declined in this instance, they needed the money more. Tommy was angered by this decision, money is important for survival, although this did provoke a new idea for commercialisation: we become monster hunters.
In the next village, we went to, Tommy went to the notice board and took anything that required the slaying of beasts. The job was to hunt the other zombies. They split from a necromancer's horde. The horde didn't concern us, they would inevitably fight a stronger force, or the dark magics would fall in on itself. The zombies were five in number, too much for both of us to kill one-on-one. We used our arts of stealth to separate them and kill them swiftly, without drawing attention.
This job was entertaining. The village gave us gold to compensate us. The true treasure was in the joy of their faces, knowing they can enjoy the bounty of the woods without danger of the undead.

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  1. The Attack on Corsari
    Spring 517
  2. Tommy/Kevin
  3. General Life
  4. Miriam
  5. The Sapphire Man
  6. The Divorce