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Elias Dumont

8 / 8 HP

Monster hunter. Divorcee. Old man.

Campaign & Party


The Divorce

by Elias Dumont

I arrived back in the village. Miriam was pleased to see me. She wasn't expecting me. We argued about how long I was away, the argument ended when I deposited a bag of gold on the table. I needed to stay away so I could earn this gold, had I not earned the gold then we wouldn't be able to survive. How could we move forward in life living on a chef's income? If we were to progress into parental roles, she would be out of work having just birthed children, she could not be able to feed them on savings alone. My absence was a terrible necessity. However, it did prevent arguing on other matters.
Miriam disagreed mostly with my relationship with Tommy, she couldn't understand how I could trust someone with two names. She never understood when to use them. She also disagreed with the nature of his job. My jobs were needed to protect others, monsters are no simple threat. Tommy's jobs were more complicated. Sometimes he would regale me with stories at the campfire, other times he would tell me nothing other than his need for new equipment. Tommy's jobs were always dangerous, sometimes in towns and sometimes in the wilderness. The ones in towns were always the most dangerous, he claimed that he would sometimes collect bounties on dangerous men and their allies would be the ones chasing us out of town. Others, he gave no reason, just he now has enough money to pay for my new cloak and that he cannot be seen at Ravenspeak until everyone forgets his name.
Miriam didn't trust Tommy, she heard the lies that his many enemies told about him. They called him a cheat and a thief. I admit that sometimes he would try to exaggerate the details of a job to get more coin, but a thief is a wrong characterisation. Tommy did what was needed. He needed that money and he worked for it.
Miriam didn't like that I stuck up for my friend, she didn't understand how I could trust the man who saved my life, the man who taught me another way to appreciate nature and the life that only travelling could provide. She didn't understand that I was more good outside of the home, that a village was just holding me back. The longer I stayed with her, the more people died. Our relationship was not a normal one, I am not a normal person, for the relationship to work we needed compromises:
She needed to accept that I need to be away.
This home, this love, was a comfort to me, her arguments made it a chore to come back. She should understand that sometimes I might not make it home, her reaction should be glee, not anger.
She refused to compromise. She believed that my demands were unreasonable and came from a position of resentment that I chose someone "mundane" instead of a woman in my lifestyle. She didn't understand. She told me that if I push forward with this ultimatum that our relationship would be over. My mind was in a position of anger and I told her that I would not back down. I slept in a tavern that night. I left the next day.
The next time I came back to the village I went home to see if we could discuss the argument. I wanted to apologise. She was having dinner with the butcher. She moved on. We hadn't yet divorced, we only threatened it. She had no right to move on. She could have given me a chance to apologise.
I went to a priest and demanded a divorce. He gave his blessing. Our relationship was over. I was alone.
I tried to drink myself into happiness. Alcohol brings others glee, if only it could serve me this one pleasure. In a certain tavern, I was approached by a fighter-woman, her knuckles were bruised and she stank of alcohol. She asked me to brawl, brawls weren't my interest - no weapons and close range, I have no tricks. I declined her and sat down. She saw my sword and started to demand it, I refused. In her drunken state, she claimed it was hers. It has been in my family for generations, she was a commonplace swindler. I noticed that she had already stolen a necklace that bears my crest, I accused her of being a looter, that she stole it from the wreckage.
It occurred to me seconds before it did to her. Perhaps she is of relation to me? I don't remember seeing her body, perhaps she was also saved by a kind man. She has the same cheeks and the same eyes, is this Colette?
Having found each other, we would not let any force, be it devil or divine, separate us again.
I am Elias Dumont. I am not alone.

Elias's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Attack on Corsari
    Spring 517
  2. Tommy/Kevin
  3. General Life
  4. Miriam
  5. The Sapphire Man
  6. The Divorce

The major events and journals in Elias's history, from the beginning to today.

We are home. Colette will finally see all the glory Redsorrth has to offer.

10:07 pm - 29.06.2022

We slew strahd in his treasury. We then ran to his tomb and destroyed him again. His foul presence will only be felt in the ruins of his castle and on the imagery of the coins we looted from his land.

10:06 pm - 29.06.2022

We found a hilt of a sword. I allowed Colette to wield it. It have her great power. This will surely destroy Strahd.

10:04 pm - 29.06.2022

We found Gertruda of the Baravian Village. She lived in Strahd's bedchamber. She was under his spell. We were unable to save her from the monster she believed loved her.

10:03 pm - 29.06.2022

We found Strahd's cake room. It contained the wedding cake of Sergei and Tatiana. Strahd knocked the figure of Sergei under a table. Petulant child.

10:01 pm - 29.06.2022

We found Rahadin, Strahd's butler. Although we gave him a chance to repent, he chose death.

10:00 pm - 29.06.2022

We found the crypts. We looked through the crypts and only took what was freely given. Saint Markovia gave Colette their thighbone. Khazuun gave me a staff. We only found a strange mechanism inside the crypt of a self-proclaimed time traveller. We also have a new dragon wing accessory.

02:44 pm - 14.06.2022

We found Emil. He lied and said he was a typical villager of Vallaki. We released him and he repaid our kindness with anger. I am glad we eradicated the curse from this land. Foul beast.

02:41 pm - 14.06.2022

Strahd found my letter. Rather embarrassing.

02:40 pm - 14.06.2022

We have decided to enter Castle Ravenloft. I am prepared for the worst. I hope it does not come to that.

02:40 pm - 14.06.2022

We found a lich and restored his memories. In return, he escorted us through his temple. He showed us the gifts that Gods of old had available. Colette was completely against the idea. We know Strahd took the gift of the Vampyr. We need any and all advantages we can get. I took the gift of the Howling Wind. I can command the storm. I am the storm.

08:34 pm - 10.06.2022

I've done some calculations and the goods may have earned us upwards of 17,000 gold pieces. I have no need for this money. This wealth would allow us to comfortably retire for the rest of our lives. It would allow us to rebuild Corsari. We could rebuild the Dumont name and reenter the annuls of history. We could be nobles again.

08:31 pm - 10.06.2022

We found the treasury of this place. Another monster of amber guarded it. We slew the monster and claimed the goods. We found a bag to aid us in transporting the goods.

08:27 pm - 10.06.2022

We found a chest that Colette was obsessed with opening. When she opened it, the floor crumbled away.

08:26 pm - 10.06.2022

We found a fascinating statue. The obsidian contrasts with the amber walls. Truly beautiful.

08:25 pm - 10.06.2022

We found some natives of the land. They ran at the sight of us. Are we truly that frightening?

08:24 pm - 10.06.2022

We found an amber monster. We killed the amber monster.

08:23 pm - 10.06.2022

We found a boy hiding in what looked to be a lecture room. He looked burnt. He was a coward, hiding away from an amber monster, or a 'marble monster' if you believe his tale. His master fell to the forces of flaming skulls. I did not like the boy.

08:23 pm - 10.06.2022

We found a wand on the corpse of a wizard. Also a pit.

08:21 pm - 10.06.2022

We entered the Amber temple. It was not warmer inside.

08:21 pm - 10.06.2022

A goat attacked me.

01:34 am - 30.05.2022

We could not restore Colette's ear, however, we were able to remove the strain on her sleeping mind.

01:33 am - 30.05.2022

The Abbot is also not human. I am not sure what he is. If I were to harm him, I would do best to not utilise the Dumont sword or holy water.

01:32 am - 30.05.2022

Wereravens exist. We have aided them. Their condition seems less nefarious than the wolves. Quite fortunate.

01:31 am - 30.05.2022

We freed the children and they seemed ungrateful. I am glad we rescued them. I do wish human children were less unbearable.

04:18 am - 22.05.2022

They planned to pit the children against each other and convert the strongest. What monster would think of this? Strahd. This is Strahd's doing.

04:17 am - 22.05.2022

A woman saw me as a warrior sent by her God to save her pack from the evils of Strahd. She tasked me with slaying the pack leader and replacing him with her husband who lies in Strahd's grasp. I falsely accepted this task and accepted her aid. Colette accepted their offerings. I am not looking forward to dealing with her.

04:15 am - 22.05.2022

The lair hosted a host of wolves. They ranged from feral elderly women to feral elderly men, and children. I will purge my memory of the child. It was not human, it bore the curse of lycanthropy. They can no longer receive our mercy.

04:10 am - 22.05.2022

Werewolves attacked us. We beat them and learned of their lair through a charred map.

04:07 am - 22.05.2022

The wagon outside the tower was trapped. I bore the brunt of the trap. I was not looking at it. Colette cannot hear me with one of her ears.

04:06 am - 22.05.2022

We came across a surprising tower. It struck me with lightning.

04:06 am - 22.05.2022

Colette believes that we have made ourselves the targets of the revenants. I hope this is not true. The hate of these creatures is more than I have ever seen before.

11:56 pm - 28.04.2022

The revenants harmed us. More creatures than we have been able to combat before. We barely made it out alive.

11:55 pm - 28.04.2022

We finished our journey in Argonvostholt. Strahd holds his skull. He wants it returned in order to restore hope. We will need to break and enter. Colette's expertise would come in use.

11:54 pm - 28.04.2022

Colette's sword was acting peculiar again. She claimed it was too hot to hold, but when I touched it, the sword was cool to the touch. She called the sword a "petulant child". Who does my sister think she is? This is the same being who called itself stronger than a God. I hope this Destrix doesn't attempt to prove their power.

02:24 am - 05.04.2022

Colette brought out Babushka's head. I can't believe it is her. It must be magic.

12:16 am - 05.04.2022

Argynvost appeared to me. He wants us to redeem his knights. I will try to preserve their souls. I was not anticipating speaking to a ghost dragon.

12:09 am - 05.04.2022

We met an elf. He is a dusk elf, not that I've seen one back home. He claims that Strahd killed his people's women and children, leaving the men to watch their race die.

12:08 am - 05.04.2022

We visited Argynvostholt. It is a castle with lots of dragon imagery.

12:07 am - 05.04.2022

We slew the witch. The baby was an illusion. We captured the Seed Gem.

12:29 am - 01.04.2022

We met a witch. She claims to be the mother of Strahd. She holds a baby in her hut. Father, forgive me for this course of action, I cannot risk this woman to live. She stole a child and needs to suffer the ramifications.

12:28 am - 01.04.2022

We entered the ruins of Berez. We met a ghost. Ulrich is friendly. I promised him that I would set his soul to rest.

12:26 am - 01.04.2022

I don't spend enough time in the mountains. The forest will always be close to my heart, however, the land's elevation displays the breath of life evident in all.

12:25 am - 01.04.2022

Colette believes she can run across vertical surfaces. Ha. She would have a career in comedy if her act wasn't situational. Update: She can run across vertical surfaces. I have been proven wrong.

12:24 am - 01.04.2022

Tomorrow we shall march on the ruins of Berez. I wonder how it fell. We are running out of locations to seek assistance before Strahd meets us. I do not believe we are ready to face him, we need to train harder.

02:32 am - 28.03.2022

We went to the 'Mag Mage' he was a wizard with less-than-typical sanity. I wish I could say that we needed to kill him. I shot him down as he was flying away. I could have let him go. He was the first innocent man to fall to my arrows, may there not be another.

10:28 pm - 17.03.2022

We visited the children. Colette seemed happy to give them a gift. I'm wondering if her orphanage had nice visitors like us.

10:27 pm - 17.03.2022

Colette asked about one of my scars. I don't want to tell her. It's my burden to bear. If our recent time here has taught me anything, I will carry more burdens on my flesh.

10:24 pm - 17.03.2022

We uncovered Lady Watcher's secrets. She has a pentagram room. She treats an imp as if it were a household pet. We needed to kill the monster.

10:23 pm - 17.03.2022

The Divorce

I arrived back in the village. Miriam was pleased to see me. She wasn't expecting me. We argued about how long I was away, the argument ended when I deposited a bag of gold on the table. I needed to stay away so I could earn this gold, had I not earned th...

12:59 am - 13.03.2022

The Sapphire Man

My relationships were strained. Miriam and Kevin didn't enjoy the effect that the other had on me. Miriam wanted me to stay home more and Tommy felt that life in civilisation with 'pleasures of the flesh' made me too soft. I owed Tommy my life and I could...

12:11 am - 13.03.2022

This is Miriam. She is my ex-wife.

09:05 pm - 12.03.2022


We travelled around in a pattern, hitting villages and towns. Tommy said that the monster-hunting was more lucrative than animal hunting. I understood this, but I started to miss it. The simplicity and lack of danger in hunting deer was a comfort that I c...

09:04 pm - 12.03.2022

General Life

Tommy liked to travel. I had never really travelled before, Father valued the village too much to leave for long. I enjoy the lifestyle. Travelling through the woods let me explore and love the variety of life. Tommy would go into cities sometimes. I ...

07:43 pm - 12.03.2022


Tommy put me under his wing. I didn't have any skills or marketable goods. Tommy suggested that I sell the sword to set myself up in a city. I could never. The loud streets and the attempt to defy nature was an affront to father's teachings. Tommy sai...

05:35 am - 12.03.2022

The Attack on Corsari

My memory of this event cannot be trusted completely, it has been damaged and pieced together through years of effort. I was out in the forest with father. He wanted to teach me the language of our ancestors. Bells. Screaming. Blood. We charged ...

05:03 am - 12.03.2022

We unlocked the child's room. She is twenty. She is in her nightgown. She is chained.

11:35 pm - 10.03.2022

She has a locked room. Colette calls it the 'cat room', on account of the cats/ There is a secret wall revealing a manifest showing her dedication to Strahd and her worship of demons.

11:35 pm - 10.03.2022

There is a child locked in a room. We will save her.

11:33 pm - 10.03.2022

We investigated the Lady Watcher. She has riches aplenty, much to Colette's glee. We investigated the upstairs. We found that she sleeps next to a corpse. Presumably her husband.

11:33 pm - 10.03.2022

I rendered the fisherman unconscious. We took the girl and the fisherman to the Vistani camp. They were grateful. They gave us a choice of riches. We chose gold. If they had arrows I may have been tempted.

11:20 pm - 10.03.2022

We swam to the man. The sack contained a Vistani girl. She was the victim of a ritual to restore the lake with fish. She was chosen because she was 'lucky'.

11:19 pm - 10.03.2022

We rested and regained our strength. We walked around the lake. We saw a fisherman throw a burlap sack into the lake.

11:17 pm - 10.03.2022

We hid in the storage room. We locked the door. I hoped that Colette didn't invite him in this time. What drove her to do that? Strahd's sorcery is indeed rather strong. Why didn't he test my will against himself?

11:17 pm - 10.03.2022

Strahd slashed my face. I have more scars. I used my holy water on him. I missed.

11:15 pm - 10.03.2022

We visited the toymaker. It was a nice place. Played with a monkey. Strahd appeared.

11:15 pm - 10.03.2022

She has appointed me as her Oathkeeper. I must keep her to these oaths. I swear to not abuse this trust.

05:05 pm - 10.03.2022

Colette broke an oath to her God. She must spend a full 24 hours silent. I must find a way to make her break this oath more often.

05:00 pm - 10.03.2022

Colette has sworn many oaths. She has been keeping this from me. It occurs to me that her magic is unlike that of a cleric. Her oath is similar to the oaths of the paladins. Her monastery was a religious order. She is a paladin, yet she doesn't quite know it.

04:55 pm - 10.03.2022

Our journey to Vallaki was eventful. Wolves and men in armour attacked us. I was weakened by the lighting blast and they bested me in combat. The roads are too dangerous for us to travel now that Strahd has decided his descent into madness.

04:54 pm - 10.03.2022

Ireena is gone. She went into a pool and a spectre stole her. I attempted to retrieve her. I was struck by lightning.

04:52 pm - 10.03.2022

The abbot is a madman. He operates from the ruins of the monastery. His staff are mongrels, cursed with the visage of animals. I slew a beast that attempted to harm me, the abbot believes that he was a man, not a beast.

04:51 pm - 10.03.2022

We entered Krezk. They don't have a tavern. Colette is livid.

04:49 pm - 10.03.2022

Colette gave me a letter to read on the event of her death. It's very much like her to worry. This must be an effect of the land, causing her to despair.

04:49 pm - 10.03.2022

We went to Yester Hill to recover a seed for the winery. I shot Strahd with his bow. It's confirmed that the bow isn't enchanted against him.

04:48 pm - 10.03.2022

The stick is now a sword.

04:47 pm - 10.03.2022

Colette found a stick. I told her to use it instead of her fists. We saw how that behaviour turns out.

04:47 pm - 10.03.2022

Those foul, rotten, blighted druids rendered my sister unconscious. I am glad I learned my skills. Had I been any less of the man I am, she would have died there. I can't let that happen. I will do everything in my power to ensure that my sister does not die in this land.

04:41 pm - 10.03.2022

On our way to buy passage into Krezk, the Burgomeister demanded an investigation into the local winery. The winery has been overrun by druids. I can't believe that the people from which father taught me his magic could be so mad. Strahd's command over the sanity of mortals must be stronger than I expected. Perhaps I too have gone insane. A rebellion against this man is certainly not the most sane of activities.

04:38 pm - 10.03.2022

Strahd sent me a bow. It holds a form of magic. It allows me to fire without loading the arrow. This will be one more step towards his end. I hope that this weapon doesn't hold an enchantment to guarantee his safety. Or perhaps a curse to punish me for my open rebellion.

04:35 pm - 10.03.2022

To save Ireena, we decided to take her to the village of Kresk. The monastery there will be more than safe enough for her. Especially if all those monks have the magic that Colette handles.

04:33 pm - 10.03.2022

Strahd attacked the church. He killed the priest. Had we regained the bones of the saint, he would be safe. Strahd will be held responsible for this death and the deaths of all those he has slain. The cruelty he tormented these people with will not be forgotten.

04:32 pm - 10.03.2022

Colette killed a man. The man was half-demon, half-human. He was still a sentient man, although his soul may have been corrupted by his blood, or a deal with the demons that made him.

04:30 pm - 10.03.2022

There was the festival of the blazing sun. The Burgomeister here commands respect through cruelty. Strahd found a way to ruin this festival.

04:29 pm - 10.03.2022

Strahd left a letter in our room. He wants to meet for dinner. I don't wish to dine on blood.

04:27 pm - 10.03.2022

We arrived in Vallaki. It's a town. They have donkey masks for their stocks. At least everyone says they're happy. They sell beetroot soup.

03:22 am - 10.03.2022

The Vistani tell us a story of the last people who rose against Strahd. A mage with a strong rebellion of natives. Maybe Madame Eva's reading was correct. After losing to Strahd and having him gloat his power over them, many would be broken. I still feel for that father who houses his vampire son. The best thing would be to kill it, but to kill one's family...

03:21 am - 10.03.2022

A travelling people, the Vistani, gave us a reading. They claim that Colette and I will be alone to fight the evil in this land. They couldn't be more wrong. As long as we're together, we're not alone.

03:18 am - 10.03.2022

An elderly woman was selling pastries to grant us better dreams in this realm. If this is going to be a persistent problem, we should invest.

03:17 am - 10.03.2022

We met the Lord Strahd Von Zarovich. He has control over the dead. I don't need a crystal ball to predict his death.

03:16 am - 10.03.2022

A woman has lost her child, Gertruda. I will find her, no matter the state I find her in. I know how horrible it is to believe the worst, only to be proven wrong.

03:15 am - 10.03.2022

The lord of this land is a tyrant with foul magical powers. He has been terrorising this land and its occupants. A woman, Ireena, needs our help. Far be it for me to deny her the luxury of safety.

03:14 am - 10.03.2022

That house was horrid. We should burn it down and bless the ashes.

03:12 am - 10.03.2022

We found a house with children outside. They say that their parents are fighting a monster in their basement. I've taken it upon myself to aid them so these children are able to rest safely. I do wonder how a monster was able to enter their basement though. Colette was with me.

10:50 pm - 09.03.2022

The weather around this village is unusual. It shouldn't be as foggy. Perhaps the werewolves have a mage among them. Perhaps there is an unrelated phenomenon.

10:48 pm - 09.03.2022

We found a job posting that asked us to venture into the woods to hunt werewolves. I'm unsure if I could hunt a werewolf on my own - Colette won't be much use without any equipment - yet I took the job anyway. With a clear and precise enough shot, any arrow can find its mark.

03:43 pm - 09.03.2022

She's proficient with the tools of a common thief. She swears that violence and thievery is the best course of action. I swore to never find myself falling in with banditry. Must I choose between my morals and my family?

03:41 pm - 09.03.2022

She's quite different from when we were children. That's to be expected, although I wasn't prepared for her to be this annoying. She claims that she doesn't utilise magic, yet she dispels spectres with naught but her fists. She claims to not follow religious doctrine, yet she prays every day without fail.

03:39 pm - 09.03.2022

She's alive. My sister is still alive. She's not exactly as I remember but she doesn't need to be. I still have a family

03:34 pm - 09.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Elias.

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