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Sun 30th Jan 2022 10:24

Session 5: 01/26/2022

by Odd One

Searching the body of the sea hag reveals nothing. While I continue searching the monsters bodies, the Human Druid tells us his name is Adam Firstman and the Gnome woman is his partner; her name is Wadewacket. Finding nothing of value, we all go back to the Black Barnacle Inn. A dark haired woman wearing fine clothes approaches us and calls us heros. She offers a substantial reward for killing the monsters.
I take the gold and split the 1050 Gold amongst the party. Everyone received 175 GP. Starke doesn’t want his share so I keep it for him.
Nevetta Devourough reveals that she is the lady of Pondhaven. She also has a history with Starke. She offers us free drinks and rooms for the night.
Belladonna and Wadewacket participate in a drinking contest with an odd dwarf man at the bar.
We play a goblin drinking game suggested by me that translates to “What the fuck is up with that?” in Common. We all learn a little more about each other and where we all come from.
A new woman enters the tavern as we are drinking and eating medieval mozzarella sticks.
She stares strangely at Belladonna, and asks to talk to her in private. I rudely follow.
She tells us that Bella is of celestial origins, and reveals she is also of celestial origins which is how she knew.
Her name is Eliza Vedramiel. She runs the Morningstar Orphanage in Pondhaven. After revealing this information, she leaves us to take a long rest.
The next day Adam, Wadewaket, & I go to the apothecary.
For 50 gp I buy a potion of water breathing.
For 100 gp I buy a potion of invisibility.
For 25 gp I buy 6 health potions.
Wadewaket gets a pickled pig fetus in a jar for some reason.
Adam gives his money to Wadewaket for safe keeping.
Starke and Belladonna go see the blacksmith for new weapons for Belladonna.
They find that Steve Anvilborne runs the blacksmith shop in this town. Steve reveals he is John Anvilborne’s brother.
174 GP is left for the Starke Fund after he buys us all friendship bracelets from a nice young merchant girl.
Wadewaket & Adam buy an Immovable rod from a strange salesman offering magical items.
Bella bought a new set of studded leather armor from the Blacksmith’s shop. She also buys a bracelet to assist in her noble to combat gear changes and a sword that always remains clean from the strange salesman.
We go to the keep and announce ourselves to the lady of the house much earlier than our originally agreed upon plan for dinner.
Nevetta says she has a gift for Starke and leads us to the old armory where there is an ornate set of plate armor meant to be the gift for Starke. It is made of Adamantium and is one of the strongest metals that exists in this world. We learn through speaking with Nevetta that Eastvale is the capital city of this country and Mistshire is to the south of here.
Starke gets the new armor [Adamantine Plate Armor] and he can no longer be critically hit.
Skipping dinner, we decide to leave early to go to Mistshire.
We leave on the 5th of September and travel by foot. At this rate we will arrive in Eastvale on the 7th.
I disguise myself as a halfling again to avoid detection by others on the road.
We decide to go to a bar in Eastvale as we pass by to find out what we can about MIstshire.
We hear from locals that Mistshire has been very quiet. No messages checking on the town’s wellbeing have been answered in recent days.
A woman we meet tells Starke that her mother is in Mistshire and she hasn’t heard back from her in quite a while. She offers us 20 gold in exchange for checking on her mother. Starke refuses the money and we leave Eastvale to continue traveling.
Mistshire is in chaos when we arrive.