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Sun 13th Feb 2022 04:50

Session 6: 02/09/22

by Odd One

After arriving in Mistshire, we are met by a man who begins attacking us. He screams that Starke had killed his wife. Adam uses entangle to hold him while Starke hits him with his sword. The screaming man says his name is Elliot Millborn. More villagers appear and begin to attack. A little girl comes up to Odd One and attempts to stab her. She fails and Odd One instructs Mr. Green to bite off her head. Adam uses entanglement again on the other villagers. Elliot continues to scream that his wife Claudia had been murdered by Starke. Nightshade kills one of the attacking villagers by stabbing her in the neck with her dagger. Elliot breaks out of his entanglement and attempts to run away screaming. All the villagers have been accusing us of strange crimes like stealing their husbands or ruining their garden. Odd One suggests that these villagers may be under some kind of spell or charm. Odd One and Mr. Green attempt to dispose of the evidence of killing the little girl by eating her. Adam attempts to reason with one of the villagers, however, it does not work and they continue to attack. Stange cackling has been heard several times during this fight. Adam wild-shapes into a dog to see if he can sense if Aunty Gertrude is hiding somewhere in the area. Oh and sometime during the battle Elliot had peed himself and it is very noticeable. Adam finds Gertrude flying on her broom overhead watching the battle. Adam wild-shapes again into a spider to try and bring her down with his web-shooting ability. Starke screams at her, asking what she's done to his parents. Gertrude shape-shifts into Starkes Father. Wadewacket magic missiles all the remaining enemies including Gertrude. Gertrude is able to escape the webs that bound her and escapes again. Odd One takes one silver and four copper pieces from Elliot as Starke ties him up for questioning. Adam and Wadwacket take out the last two remaining enemies. Odd One and Mr. Green dispose of the dead villagers by throwing them in the nearby well. Starke somehow convinces Elliot to show him to his home. He tells us that Lord Atticus Fog is the town leader. Elliot then shows us where Atticus Fog resides; the Mistshire Keep. As we walk, Wadewaket is beckoned into the woods by a strange Elven man. He shows her a symbol of a Hand with a Leaf in the center. Starke sees it all happen while the others are unaware. Starke follows as Wadwacket goes with the strange man. The elf introduces himself as Helanoran of the Verdant Hand. He offers Wadewacket, and by extension Adam, the job of killing Starke Mancer.