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8th of Marpenoth, DR

A Message for Kunin

by Kri

Pherria came upon us as we slept, slumped against each other in a dark corner. Once we were all assured that we were allies, I shared my mission to find Quirk and his companions. She told me of all they’d done for her and the people she was protecting and of their mission to restore Lulu the hollyphant’s memories to learn how to save Elturel. They were here only a few months ago. They had faced down a horrible screeching Howler monster and freed Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard from the torment of a demonic presence which threatened to overtake him. I met with the remaining survivors, some of whom came forward with yet more tales of Umber, Kunin, Enya, Quirk, and Captain Reya Mantlemorn.
A woman called Hariska recalled how the Hellriders had battled their way across Torm’s Blade, ensuring that she and her two young sons could reach High Hall safely. The little ones mimicked how Quirk had swung his blade. They described the intricate filigree designs on its handle and the superior craftsmanship of its helix blade. Others spoke of how they feasted on the meat of giant crabs slain by the party and how they’d been so entertained by Lulu’s antics. They remembered Captain Mantlemorn tearfully as they told me how she’d fallen to the minotaurs in the halls overhead. Tad and Mae Teguli approached last of all with a message for their son.
“Please, if you find him, can you give him our message?” asked Mae, handing me a dirty scrap of parchment. Gladly, I promised to give it to him as soon as I could track him down.
“He needs someone like you,” said Tad. “Someone who can give him some hope.” Mae stepped forward, placing a comforting paw on her husband’s shoulder as he wiped a tear from his eye. Pherria appeared beside me and offered some words of comfort for the Tegulis. Somberly, they wandered away.
“Kunin’s daughter, their granddaughter, is missing,” said Pherria. “I don’t have the heart to tell them she’s probably gone.” The scent of preservation oils permeated the air around us. Startled, I sniffed at it, trying to pinpoint its origin. “Are you alright?” asked Pherria. The smell faded as quickly as it had come.

Continue reading...

  1. Kri's Vision
    1485 DR
  2. To Candlekeep
    6th of Kythorn 1493 DR
  3. Quirk's Journals
    3rd of Marpenoth, DR
  4. To Hell
    4th of Marpenoth, DR
  5. High Hall
    7th of Marpenoth, DR
  6. A Message for Kunin
    8th of Marpenoth, DR
  7. Fort Knucklebone
    9th of Marpenoth, DR
  8. Let's Ride
    10th of Marpenoth, DR