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10th of Marpenoth, DR

Let's Ride

by Kri

Maggie and I became fast friends, albeit I don’t entirely trust her motives. She told me she had sent the Hellriders to her sister, Red Ruth, who would know how they could reach the Bleeding Citadel where they hoped to recover Zariel’s sword. She shared with me some correspondence from Ruth. In her letters, Ruth explained that in exchange for an appointment at the Infernal Rapture spa, she would help the party perform a ritual to find one of the Fallen Three. They would be able to guide the Hellriders to the Bleeding Citadel. For this ritual, Ruth needs the blood of an exceptionally powerful creature.
“Arkhan the Cruel?” I gasped.
“Seems so,” Maggie muttered.
“I have to catch up with them - fast.” Just then, a huge mechanical beast roared into the center of the fort.
“You’re in luck, girl. I just received -”
“Hey, GUYS!” shouted a particularly obnoxious redcap. Maggie pressed her fingers to her temples as if stricken by a sudden migraine.
“Let’s ride,” she groaned. I learned that this machine was called a Demon Grinder, and soon after learned why.

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  1. Kri's Vision
    1485 DR
  2. To Candlekeep
    6th of Kythorn 1493 DR
  3. Quirk's Journals
    3rd of Marpenoth, DR
  4. To Hell
    4th of Marpenoth, DR
  5. High Hall
    7th of Marpenoth, DR
  6. A Message for Kunin
    8th of Marpenoth, DR
  7. Fort Knucklebone
    9th of Marpenoth, DR
  8. Let's Ride
    10th of Marpenoth, DR