Session 95, March 7, 2024 - A meeting of dissent, and descent into chaos by Rys | World Anvil

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Thu 7th Mar 2024 11:57

Session 95, March 7, 2024 - A meeting of dissent, and descent into chaos

by Rys

Session begins night of the 16th of Nytol. The party hunkers down in their safehouse and listens to the barrage of missiles and magic WOMD throughout the night. They spend the evening engaging in hobbies, and eventually turn in for the night. The next morning they return outside the wall and Rys spontaneously decides to disrupt the wall by sending some fire through. She hoped to cause a pause on the fighting, but after scrambling for a few minutes the assault from Dagult's army resumes with renewed fury and cannon-fire. They use the cover of dust clouds to slip out of the tunnel and run to the edge of the trenches. The soldiers recognize the blue of Captain Belanor, and bring them to captain Eihnor. He assures them they wanted to mobilize, but the last few days has been pretty heavy fire and they're just trying to survive right now. While waiting on a full invasion, it'd be beneficial to get a stronger foothold in the city, closer to the citadel near the 3 bridges. He asks that they infiltrate a dissent meeting as well to collect intelligence. Previous dissenters have come out of said meetings entirely more favorable towards Dagult, and there's suspicion of magical influence. Eihnor is actually able to offer them a large emerald-like gem that will provide resistance to magical influence. Savari carefully guards it, and she and Rys work to verify and identify its properties, and it holds evocation and abjuration magic. Their cover story will include that they are from Representative Soulpher's district (one of the few remaining leaders in the city). They return to the city through the tunnels and come up into the inn they previously discovered, and exit to the empty street. As they move Westward towards the center, a small crowd begins to form around them and they eventually reach the great hall. A guard screens for weapons at the entry, and then allows them passage. There are pedestals at the front of the room, one of which Dagult sits at. There is a steady energy field emanating from behind him and an ebbing and flowing of power from the gem the party holds, that rises slowly as the meeting goes on. At noon, he rises to address the crowd. He states his goal is and always has been peace, and opens the floor for dissent. A few people present their cases, and as Dagult prepares to close the meeting, Rys stands and asks to speak. After her speech, the magic vibes grow stronger. Dagult listens and offers that if she would like to start the process of 'applying' to challenge his leadership that could be facilitated. Before can respond, Shar pulls out an arrow and shoots directly into Dagult's chest. Shar then whispers to Ifrea to hold him down and gag him, then sticks himself with a second arrow of the same type. All hell breaks loose once the arrow is noticed, and Savari throws the gem just before it explodes. The roof of the hall is blasted off, and everyone is immediately evacuated but kept in a contained area at the perimeter outside for questioning. Once Rys catches up to Savari, Ifrea, and a gagged Shar, they are able to slip away from the guards and shelter in a nearby building. Session ends.