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Fri 2nd Feb 2024 12:11

Session 90, February 1, 2024

by Rys

Session begins (11th of Nytol, evening) as the sun sets. The party eats fresh-hunted duck for dinner around the small fire, and casually work on their individual projects. The next morning (12th of Nytol) they continue West until they hit the road. From there they go south and find the town of Triboar. They encounter a few people and are pointed to the Bloody Fish tavern for food. There's also a general store across the street. They come up with new names on the spot, Paul/Ifrit, Slagathor, Shur, and Catsie. They visit the general store, and find a gnonmish man monitoring the counter. Eldren, the proprietor, is able to furnish them with a map of NeverWinter and of the region around it. They shop around a bit more and in conversation learn of a fletcher called Beauouier who could furnish them with a map quiver and maybe arrows for Shur. Slagathor asks about a cleric who could facilitate some long distance communications. He doesn't think there are any in Triboar, but there should be someone in Helm's Hold. They mark a route to Helm's Hold that should take a few days as the crow flies. Eventually they head on to the Fletcher's place in a slightly shady alley. A kind looking old man greets them and proudly shows off his finest arrows. He has some exceptional (and exceptionally expensive) pieces including an infite arrow, freezing arrows, and an invisible one. After Shur makes a few purchases they exit and go to check out the stables. As they arrive, they see many creatures including a giant lizard, a griffan, and a hippogriff. They learn the general pricing and pass for now but plan to return if they can afford to. Finally, they reach the tavern and are greeted by a very accommodating innkeeper. They get dinner. Braised hellhound, marinated lentils, and drinks. Ifret notices a few people watching the party a little more closely. There's a half-elf bard playing on a small stage. They pick a corner table and are served the finest food they've had in a long time, perhaps ever. Rys waves down a server and asks to purchase a half dozen bottles. They rent a single room for the night. Rys attempts to magically infuse a bone arrow tip with Blight (from Savari's spell book). It doesn't work but they may be onto a new money-making opportunity.